[rimg]https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/3/1/31412335-110c-449a-9c2f-bff8763a6504.jpg?1593275623[/rimg] [rimg]https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/1/4/14adc0af-de61-4872-916c-3cf480dece46.jpg?1673149437[/rimg]
Aggiornamenti di mercato USA su carte poco note: "Thrumming Stone increased 51% this week to just over $14, likely thanks to Hare Apparent. Before a Double Masters 2022 reprinting, Thrumming Stone peaked at $70 before falling all the way down to $3 upon reprinting. We've recently seen a huge increase in "you can play any number of these in your deck" cards, getting multiples a year when in the past we'd get one every few years. This makes me think that Thrumming Stone could be a good buy. Every time a new "you can play any number" card comes out, Thrumming Stone is the first card people buy to add to these decks. Until it gets reprinted again, it's likely to steadily keep increasing in price. While reaching its former highs of $70 again is unlikely, hitting $20 or $30 again in the next few years as Double Masters 2022 supply slowly dries up isn't out of the question."
In confronto al mercato statunitense da noi non vale assolutamente nulla.