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[Modern Tier] Lantern Control

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Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda alvoi » 10 giu '13, 14:12

What? Why did not Pithing Needle stop KCI? That's an activated ability.
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Iscritto il: 28 set '12, 19:09
Località: Thraben, Gavony Nord, Innistrad

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Zerodown » 10 giu '13, 14:45

alvoi ha scritto:What? Why did not Pithing Needle stop KCI? That's an activated ability.

Pithing Needle:

As Pithing Needle enters the battlefield, name a card.

Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be activated unless they're mana abilities.

Krark-Clan Ironworks is a mana ability.
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Livello II
Livello II
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Iscritto il: 8 giu '13, 23:20

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda alvoi » 10 giu '13, 16:01

Zerodown ha scritto:
alvoi ha scritto:What? Why did not Pithing Needle stop KCI? That's an activated ability.

Pithing Needle:

As Pithing Needle enters the battlefield, name a card.

Activated abilities of sources with the chosen name can't be activated unless they're mana abilities.

Krark-Clan Ironworks is a mana ability.

Ok, thanks. Sorry.
"come ad un buon protagonista di un buon libro"
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Messaggi: 20323
Iscritto il: 28 set '12, 19:09
Località: Thraben, Gavony Nord, Innistrad

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda dat095 » 10 giu '13, 17:43

Why no one thinked about using miracle? You can control also your own topdecks. And maybe one or two noxius revival.
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Livello VI
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Iscritto il: 26 lug '12, 0:11

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda LoA » 10 giu '13, 17:59

dato95 ha scritto:Why no one thinked about using miracle? You can control also your own topdecks. And maybe one or two noxius revival.

in think they are not necessary in mainboard, but terminus could be very interesting in sideboard vs Aggro.
sorry for my english :D
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Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Zerodown » 10 giu '13, 18:21

When I originally started the deck I had Terminus mainboard. Yes, you can manipulate the top to make better use of miracles and yes, noxious revival is a most if one does play miracles. The problem with miracles is that you want to empty your hand for bridge and tutor and if you have miracles in the opening hand it will take a long time to reach 6 mana to play terminus. As good as miracles are, it just sucks drawing them in the opening hand since you need fast answers while setting the lock.

There was a guy on the primer wanting to make a list to abuse miracles, but he never posted one. Someone else was trying to include Small Pox. Thats the beauty of the core, you can try all sorts of ideas with it, at one point I was running 1 Research//Developement mainboard with 1 Darksteel Plate, 1 Etched Champion & 1 Worldslayer in the SB to troll my opponents. :D Basically if you can get a lock on, you can then win in any way you wish since the opponent won't be able to stop you, the problem is that if your finisher of choice takes too long the opponent will quit before you use your finisher. We also tested with Glittering Wish and a rainbow SB (Tezz was also in the SB as finisher) for some time.
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Livello II
Livello II
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Iscritto il: 8 giu '13, 23:20

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda dat095 » 11 giu '13, 8:01

Yes terminus is difficult to play from the hand but it can be cycled with faithless looting (and then if you need it there is noxius revival for it)
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Livello VI
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Iscritto il: 26 lug '12, 0:11

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Monarch XD » 11 giu '13, 11:26

Do you think that this deck can be good in a Modern Tournament? :D I'm thinking about miracle we can make a list with topdeck control miracle based, what do you think about this possibility?
sorry for my English :D
Ultima modifica di Monarch XD il 11 giu '13, 15:47, modificato 1 volta in totale.
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Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Zerodown » 11 giu '13, 14:46


Yes you can discard it with Faithless Looting. Its not a bad card and Noxious Revival could help you get back at a critical moment. As I said I had it mainboard originally, it ended being taken out due to lack of space and the fact that there are better options based on speed. Like Pyroclasm and Dispatch. You also need to make space for N.Revivals. Also remember you only need to take out key creatures like Deathrite Shaman, Grim Lavamancer or Dark Confidant. Most of the rest of the creatures you'll be handling with Ensaring Bridge so it shoudln't be a problem to let them stay on the field. Terminus also puts the creatures back in the library rather than the graveyard. But there is really nothing wrong with it, like I said some people were talking about making a mircale oriented list, they just never posted a list so we could test it.

There are many variations trying to do different things, my list was focused down to secure a fast lock before the third turn as often as possible. Setting the lock is the top priority because until you grab hold of the top of the libraries your opponent will keep drawing cards that could break the lock. If I can guarantee a lantern and a Codex/Bell by the first or second turn the opponent has to win (in theory) with their opening hand and its pretty easy to deal with 7-9 cards when at least 3 will be a land and 3 will be harmless creatures on average. I don't know what to say, I test this deck almost every day and it really hardly ever loses, it has answers to everything and ways to find those answers when you need them.

So yeah, if you can make a miracle list I'll gladly discuss it with you to help. I just don't have time to make and test different lists so I keep to my list mostly since it works.

@Monarch XD:

Like I told Dato95, there are many variations, I can't guarantee that every list would do great in trounaments, but I can stand by my list and I assure you it would do very well at tournaments since I do test daily with top tier decks and it works flawlessly. With time people will have to start adapting their SB when this deck starts popping up at tournaments, but the biggest threat to the deck is Ancient Grudge and Snapcaster Mage flashbacking something and we already found a solution for that with Grafdigger's Cage. If I had the time and money to go to real events I would do it, I'm very confident on that list. Thats why I asked for opinions if anybody did test my list.

Here is a list of links that direct to posts of the primer with matchup pictures so you can see how it does and what kind of decks it can beat. Some of the first pictures where before adding Duress maindeck to deal with combo decks. Just click on the links and look at the pictures at the bottom, some pictures have explanations, not all. ... tcount=210 ... tcount=225 ... tcount=232 ... tcount=243 (This picture has an attachment with an Excel table when I was trying to keep stats on the deck. It only had data from 63 matches and it was a bit missleading since most opponents quit on the first turn and don't go to a second or third game. And it was before adding Duress and INfernal Tutor maindeck) ... tcount=283 (Vs. Scapeshift Games 1 & 2. Won game two by land denial) ... tcount=284 ... tcount=324 ... tcount=328 ... tcount=331 (No picture here, this guy has a list similar to mine and look what he posted 7-0 in cockatrice vs RDW, Jund, UWR Flash, Kiki-pod, Death and Taxes) ... tcount=351 (Notice the second pictur, I had mox, lantern, codex and welding jar on the field on turn 1, opponent quit on turn 2) ... tcount=373 (Another win by land denial) ... tcount=396 (Pictures from sunday with the exact list I posted) ... tcount=401 (Also from sunday's games)

Analyze those pictures, the deck is really good and it should do well in torunaments if you've played with it a bit to get the hang of all the things you can do with it.

Later guys.
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Livello II
Livello II
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Iscritto il: 8 giu '13, 23:20

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Monarch XD » 11 giu '13, 15:53

Thanks for your response I want to build this deck but with ten euro without fetch if that is possible I didn't understand why play the bridge? if i control with duress I can play isocrome scepter to . what do you think about this possibility :0 thanks
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Monarch XD
Livello III
Livello III
Messaggi: 17
Iscritto il: 10 giu '13, 9:43


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