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[Modern Tier] Lantern Control

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Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Bibo » 6 giu '13, 14:19

Fortunato tu, INFECT (nonostante sia un bel mazzo) mi sta troppo sulle @@. 8O

Tornando alla SIDE vs affo, purtroppo non possiamo usare Piroclasma e dobbiamo cercare qualche carta che possibilmente sia utile anche contro altri mazzi, in modo da ottimizzare il tutto.

Io proporrei contro Affo e ..:
Dismember: anche contro Infect e mazzi a bestie in generale.
Echoing Truth: contro Twin e Pod.
Timely Reinforcements: contro mazzi a bestie.
Path to Exile: contro mazzi a bestie.

Tieni presenti di giocare quello che più ti rassicura in modo da stare tranquillo e fare le scelte giuste al momento giusto. Farei anche attenzione a proteggere la mia "combo", magari con carte simili a Faith's Shield, che protegge da Abrupt Decay.
Sicuramente dimentico qualcosa di figo, ma confido in qualche post, dopo il mio ... :D
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Livello IV
Livello IV
Messaggi: 32
Iscritto il: 8 mar '13, 16:10

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Zerodown » 8 giu '13, 23:31

Hi. I'm from Puerto Rico, I don't speak italian. I was playing a guy from Itally and when he saw my deck (Top Control) he told me that there was a discussion on this forum about the deck. I just wanted to share with you guys a link to another forum where we created the deck and have 27 pages of information on the deck. Check it out it might help you guys with the deck.

Ancient Stirring, Faithless Looting and Duress are too good for this deck.

Anyways the link is here:



4 Glimmervoid
4 Arid Mesa
2 Academy Ruins
1 Temple Garden
1 Stomping Ground
1 Plains
1 Godless Shrine
1 Sacred Foundry


4 Lantern of Insight
4 Codex Shredder
4 Ghoulcaller's Bell
4 Mox Opal
3 Mishra's Bauble
3 Ensnaring Bridge
2 Pithing Needle
1 Grafdigger's Cage


3 Ancient Stirrings
3 Faithless Looting
3 Dispatch
3 Pyroclasm
3 Duress
2 Beast Within
2 Infernal Tutor

Planeswalker: 1

1 Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas


4 Leyline of Sanctity
3 Wear/Tear
3 Welding Jar
2 Thoughtseize
2 Graffdigger's Cage
1 Pithing Needle
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Livello II
Livello II
Messaggi: 9
Iscritto il: 8 giu '13, 23:20

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Diablo » 9 giu '13, 5:08

Welcome to the forum. :)

I have a question:
only a Tezzeret as a finisher?!? Put it in 2x? Or one is enough?

The rest of the deckbuilding I completely agree.

Compliments for the primer! It's fantastic and very well written.

Italian translation (traduzione in italiano):
Ho un dubbio:
solo un Tezzeret come chiusura?!? Metterlo in 2x? O uno è sufficiente?
Sul resto del deck sono d'accordo.
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Iscritto il: 17 lug '12, 15:58

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Zerodown » 9 giu '13, 7:17

Thank you. I'm glad you guys like the deck and the primer. I would translate this with google, but I don't think its that good.

Yes, 1 Tezz is more than enough in that list. First let me explain that the deck actually doesn't need tezz or anything else to win. The deck wins by milling the opponent with the lantern combo. You can keep the opponent locked and literraly mill them card by card with the combo pieces. But a lot of players complained that it was too boring sitting there being milled helplessly so they would usually just rage quit. With lots of testing the deck started getting actually good at setting the lock fast (thanks to Ancient Stirrings and Faithless Looting) so we could start testing wincons and Tezz was the obvious choice because it could not only find more locking pieces but it could win you the games that you couldn't mill (Tron-like decks). The problem is that tezz is so good at finishing locked games that the games no longer ended by mill. People would either quit or lose to tezz's ultimate, milling ended up being a backup in case tezz couldn't win. The only decks I do mill on purpose are mill decks just for a laugh. Now getting back to the question, why is 1 tezz enough? Because for starters it doesn't answer any of the usual problems, so you don't want to draw it until you need it and thats usually past turn 5 since you need to have a good lock already set to protect it. By that time your single tezz will be in one of 3 places. Your hand, your library or your graveyard. If its in your hand when you need it then play it and proceed to win. If its in your library you have several options. The deck aims at having 0 cards in hand to support bridge, which is why we can nearly guarantee being hellbent to play Infernal Tutor, thats your 5-6 copies of the lantern combo pieces, but it can tutor tezz if you already got a lock. If you got it on hand, tutor tezz and proceed to win. Other than that your best bet to find it is digging through your top with the lantern combo and flashbacking faithless lootings until you draw into it. No need to hurry since the opponent should be locked anyways, so when you find it play it and proceed to win. Lastly if its in your graveyard, that usually happens by dumping it to faithless looting on early turns or by the opponent playing discard spells, you have one nifty way to get it back. You can use Codex Shredder's second ability to get tezz from the graveyard and proceed to win. So no matter where tezz is when you need it, you should have no trouble getting it into play. Thats why 1 is enough, that way it rarely messes with the deck's consistency and you know you can find it fast when you want to finish the game.

On the deck itself, it was such a silly idea at first that I thought no one would pay attention and now I found people in Italy intrested, thats awesome. The ability to control draws is too powerful. You only need to control aggro and disrupt combo. The best spells for that are Ensnaring Bridge (aggro) and Duress (Combo). Dispatch and Pyroclasms are good for taking out the creatures until you play a bridge. Combo is easy because you duress a key card and then just use the lantern combo to make sure they don't draw it again. Pithing needle is a key card as well, helps in 80% of the games and you can mill it from your top or dump it to faithless looting if you don't need it.

With good starting hands you can have both lantern and codex on the field on turn 1. The SB has 4 leylines and answers to the usual problems. The biggest problem to the deck was Ancient Grudge and Snapcaster Mage (because it can flashback something bad). Grafdigger's Cage deals with both of those as well as Birthing Pod and some others. The deck is consistent, fast and hard to disrupt. The speed of the deck comes the low curve, the 3 pieces do actually cost 1 mana each, thats insanely cheap when most of the rest of the spells also cost 1 mana. Think about it, you can have the lock on the field before U decks can play their counters. The consistency comes from Mox Opal, Mishra's Bauble, Faithless Looting and Ancient Stirrings. The resiliency comes from Academy Ruins and the fact that the deck actually has 2 different locks that work together yet can work apart. The lantern+codex/bells is a lock, Ensnaring Bridge is another lock by itself as well. They work together because bridge protects you and lantern protects the bridge. But by themselves they work just as well. You can control the draws with lantern and creatures with removal or you can control creatures with a bridge until you find the lantern. Thats good because opponents usually only get 1 shot at breacking the lock and if you have both the lantern and bridge on the field they must choose one of the two, they destroy lantern or the bridge, then you play another or you can get it back with ruins and re-play it.

The manabase is very efficient too, I run 15 lands because most spells cost 1 mana. Mox and glimmervoid allow you to play all the cards, so it supports all 5 colors as you can see from my list. You also can find whichever color you need first with Arid Mesa. You usually only need 1 land to start rolling out artifacts, so it should be ok if your starting land is an anceint ruins since you shouldn't need colored mana until the 3rd turn if everything works like it should.

I've got tons of testing hours on this deck, I'll keep checking back on this thread to contribute. I understand a bit of italian since I speask spanish and I can translate posts with google so feel free to ask anything.

Have fun with the deck, I'm sure your opponent won't. XD
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Livello II
Livello II
Messaggi: 9
Iscritto il: 8 giu '13, 23:20

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Diablo » 9 giu '13, 7:59

Ok. I'm sorry, yes, I meant Tezzeret as a second finisher with those decks reshuffle the graveyard (the plane of the mill opponent is the main finisher). ;) Have you thought of putting Leyline of the Void, Faerie Macabre or similar cards in sideboard? Or these cards are too situational and/or specific for a few match-up (Eldrazi creatures are the classic example)?

Thanks for the extensive explanation.

P.S. Do not use google to translate, is very bad. If you are interested in some topic here on the forum and do not understand a few words, send me a PM and I'll reply with the english translation. Not a problem. :)
Uno é meglio di molti
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Iscritto il: 17 lug '12, 15:58

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Vexac » 9 giu '13, 10:47

Very good primer, from that and other users's decklists i found some idea to improve my :W: :U: :B: version ;)
First of all, i LOVE Infernal Tutor, cos 9 times of 10 it's a real Demonic Tutor, for the low mana cost of our spells <3.<3
I see your list doesn't play too much discards, like mine does, but it has a lot of answers to almost every metagame deck, all played maindeck and easy tutorable (pyroclasm, beast within, pithing needle etc), so it should be a valid alternative :)
I try inserting tutors in my hand-controlling version, and see how it works :D

Ottimo primer, da quello e dalle decklist degli altri utenti ho trovato qualche idea per migliorare la mia versione WUB ;)
Innanzitutto, ADORO il tutore infernale, perchè 9 volte su 10 funziona come un vero e proprio Tutore Demoniaco, grazie al basso costo delle nostre magie <3.<3
Noto che la tua lista non gioca molti scartini, come invece fa la mia, ma ha un sacco di risposte a più o meno tutti gli archetipi del metagame, tutte maindeck e facilmente tutorabili (ad esempio i piroclasmi, il beast within e l'ago spinale), quindi potrebbe essere una valida alternativa :)
Provo a vedere come funzionano i tutori nella mia versione controlla-mano :D
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Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda niko47 » 9 giu '13, 12:36

hi Zerodown, I am that guy ;) Maybe u can recognize/remember the name niko47 :D I was really unhappy when you left the game in g2, becouse i would like to use my sb :D :D :D Obviously i m joking. I actually play the list that you can read above, but i admit that your list is more stable and sturdy than mine , that's undeniable...Just to make sure everyone knows: he defeated my new eggs deck at 2nd turn, having the perfect and total control of the board :o_0: I ll try your list, hoping for funny games. Just few question:
1)How's the match up against control decks? (i ve forgotten the answer :) )
2)If the opponent plays Nature's Claim (or another removal) on lantern + Asportare or Surgical Extraction? This could occur before you have 5 mana to use Codex Shredded ability.
3) Have this deck in real? Have you made some tournaments? Share your match up with us please.
See you soon on MWS for G2 ;)
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Livello VI
Livello VI
Messaggi: 126
Iscritto il: 22 mag '13, 11:05

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda alvoi » 9 giu '13, 18:25

What do you say about Auriok Salvagers? If you don't see Academy Ruins it can return your lanters from the grave.
Che ne dite di Auriok Salvagers? Se non si vede Academy Ruins può far tornare le lanterne dal cimitero.

EDIT @niko: How did this deck defeated you at the second turn?? And the match-ups are in the primer:
EDIT @niko: Come ha fatto questo mazzo a batterti al secondo turno??? E i match-up li ha scritti nel primer:

zerodown ha scritto:

Priority – Dispatch, Pyroclasm, Pyrite Spellbomb until you can play Ensnaring Bridge

Key cards - Ensnaring Bridge, Beast Within, Dispatch, Pyrite Spellbomb, Pithing Needle, Pyroclasm.

SB: Abrupt Decay, Pithing Needle

Birthing Pod:

Priority – Landing Pithing Needle on B.Pod followed by Ensnaring Bridge

Key cards - Ensnaring Bridge, Beast Within, Dispatch, Pyrite Spellbomb, Pithing Needle, Pyroclasm, Duress

SB: Abrupt Decay, Pithing Needle


Priority – Dispatch, Pyroclasm, Duress until you can play Ensnaring Bridge

Key cards - Ensnaring Bridge, Beast Within, Dispatch, Pyrite Spellbomb, Pyroclasm.

SB: Abrupt Decay, Pithing Needle

Jund – Duress to take out Abrupt Decay or Maelstrom Pulse, the concentrate on keeping Dark Confidant off the field until you play a Bridge. After Bridge you can let them play Dark Confidant and use it against them by letting it deal damage while controlling the draws.

Key cards - Ensnaring Bridge, Duress, Beast Within, Dispatch, Pyrite Spellbomb, Pyroclasm, Pithing Needle.

SB: Abrupt Decay, Pyroclasm, Surgical Extraction (Ancient Grudge)


Priority – Gas them out by using Duress on their burn spells then lock them out of more burn spells followed by Ensnaring Bridge.

Key Cards - Ensnaring Bridge, Duress, Dispatch, Pyrite Spellbomb, Pyroclasm.

SB: Abrupt Decay, Leyline of Sanctity


Priority – Duress on Scapeshift and try to prevent them from drawing Snapcaster Mage. Also try to mill their Valakut before they can play scapeshift or use Beast Within on it if they play it before scapeshift.

Key cards – Duress, Beast Within

SB: Leyline of Sanctity, Surgical Extraction, Relic of Progenitus


Priority – Duress or Pithing Needle on Oblivion Stone, the needle must be set pre-emptively or they will play it and activate it at the same time. Then fetch the second Pithing Needle for Karn if you can’t mill it either pre-emtively or after they drop it. Follow with Ensnaring Bridge to neutralize Emrakul, The Eons Thorn. Beast Within is good if you can’t needle Karn.

Key Cards – Duress, Pithing Needle, Ensnaring Bridge, Beast Within,

SB: Abrupt Decay, Surgical Extraction, Pithing Needle


Priority – Duress on Twin if you can, play Ensnaring Bridge. For safety always keep W mana open and a Dispatch on hand for when they try to go off.

Key Cards - Ensnaring Bridge, Duress, Dispatch, Beast Within, Pyrite Spellbomb, Pithing Needle

SB: Abrupt Decay, Pithing Needle, Surgical Extraction

Ux Tempo:

Priority – Just land the lantern combo to keep them off more counters and draw spells and find an Ancient Ruins for anything you lose to counters. Land an Ensnaring Bridge when its safe. Use your needles on Celestial Colonnade or other manlands. Duress on their counters.

Key cards – Duress, Ancient Ruins, Ensnaring Bridge, Beast Within, Dispatch, Pyrite Spellbomb, Pithing Needle,

SB: Abrupt Decay, Surgical Extraction

Uxx Control:

Priority – Read Ux Tempo

Key cards – read Ux Tempo

White Lifegain/Death&Taxes:

Priority – Ensnaring Bridge should do all the work, find one and play it ASAP.

Ensnaring Bridge, Beast Within, Dispatch, Pyrite Spellbomb, Pyroclasm, Duress

SB: Abrupt Decay

Wx Token:

Priority – Read White lifegain.

Ensnaring Bridge, Duress, Beast Within, Dispatch, Pyrite Spellbomb, Pyroclasm.

SB: Abrupt Decay
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Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda niko47 » 9 giu '13, 18:48

He "simply" recognized my deck and at second turn he played Ago spinale naming Ferriera di Krark-Clan. He had in battle both lantern and coddex. My deck is totally based on Krark-Clan Ironworks in G1, without this is gg for the oppo. In g2 actually i use another type of win condition ;)
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Livello VI
Livello VI
Messaggi: 126
Iscritto il: 22 mag '13, 11:05

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Zerodown » 9 giu '13, 19:44

Diablo ha scritto:Ok. I'm sorry, yes, I meant Tezzeret as a second finisher with those decks reshuffle the graveyard (the plane of the mill opponent is the main finisher). ;) Have you thought of putting Leyline of the Void, Faerie Macabre or similar cards in sideboard? Or these cards are too situational and/or specific for a few match-up (Eldrazi creatures are the classic example)?

Leyline of the Void is good, but Grafdigger's Cage does a better job since it can also stop Birthing Pod and some other stuff. Its tutorable with tezz or infernal and its also an artifact so it helps in metalcraft and you can find it with stirrings or recur it with ruins, and costs 1 mana.

Faerie Macabre seems bad. When you want to nullify graveyards you usually want to make it worthless, not just exile 2 cards. Being a creature won't help in any plan since the opponent could be holding on to removal since turn 1. And having it in hand waiting for targets to exile is bad because you want to empty your hand as soon as possible to activate Ensnaring bridge and use your infernal tutors. Again, Grafdigger's cage does a better job. Its like the needles, it answers some problem cards (Grudge, Snapcaster and Pod being the main ones) better than anything else and you can dump it or mill it if you don't need it, then recur it back if you need it later on. Theres just 1 main and 2 in the SB because its most effective on games 2 & 3. Needle on the other hand is very useful in game 1 and more useful in games 2 & 3, thats why I always suggest running 2 mainboard and 1 more in the SB for consistency in games 2 & 3. Those 2 cards and bridge are softlocks by themselves, the lantern combo helps protecting those locks by controlling the draws. Its very bizarre but it works surprisingly effective.

Do not run Rest in Peace. It prevents you from using academy ruins and codex's second ability. Again Cage wins hands down since the only way in which cage affects us is by stopping our faithless looting's flashback. Nothing else since we can still use ruins and codex to get stuff back.

You also don't need leyline to win vs eldrazi, you just lock them and win with tezz. The key to eldrazi is Duress, Ensnaring Bridge and Pithing Needle. Beast Within also helps. Duress should be good enouh to stall them, Bridge defeats emrakul, Pithing needle stop Oblivion Stone, Karn or Mindslaver, I always play the needle before they play their card if I know what they got in hand (after playing duress for example), if I don't know what they have in hand my top priority is on needling O.Stone since it kills everything if we let it go off (Although you can have a lock back up in two turns if you got ruins in play). Stone is a better target than Karn because Karn kills one permanent at a time which gives you time to find an answer. Basically the deck is very fast so the opponent usually just has one problem card in the opening hand and we should have no trouble dealing with it and making sure they don't draw anything else that hurt us.

There is also a nifty trick we found when figuring how to deal against Ancient Grudge (before we had G.Cage). If you have more than 1 lantern in play or if you have ruins in play you can shuffle their top card. For example, if their top card is Ancient Grudge and you don't have Cage or anything to stop it from flashback you can use a lantern and shuffle it deeper into the library rather than mill it, that way you can keep certain cards that could hurt you from the graveyard in the library. Emrakul is another example, shufle it deep into the library and it won't reset the graveyard. But you need ruins to bring the lantern back. There are a lot of tricks not easily noticebale, last night I had an Opal on the field and opal on hand and Infernal Tutor. I wouldn't play tutor to find yet another opal so I floated mana with my last land and the opal on field, played my opal in hand to kill em both with legend rule and then played tutor with the floated mana on an empty hand. Also remember legend rule is about to change which will make opal and ruins that much more useful.

Vexac ha scritto:@Zerodown:
Very good primer, from that and other users's decklists i found some idea to improve my :W: :U: :B: version ;)
First of all, i LOVE Infernal Tutor, cos 9 times of 10 it's a real Demonic Tutor, for the low mana cost of our spells <3.<3
I see your list doesn't play too much discards, like mine does, but it has a lot of answers to almost every metagame deck, all played maindeck and easy tutorable (pyroclasm, beast within, pithing needle etc), so it should be a valid alternative :)
I try inserting tutors in my hand-controlling version, and see how it works :D

The lantern combo is cheap, efficient and colorless. It's open to many variations because you can splash any color so you just pick your colors and build a deck around the core. Some of the guys in the other topic are trying to make lists with counterbalance but I don't think it works because you can control draws so you wont be countering much and early on if you play balance rather than the lantern lock then you don't get to counter much without being able to manipulate the tops. Others want to build lists aimed at land denial, but its very hard because you need to hit lands while setting up the locks, which slows the deck and you end up dead. Others suggested creature lists, others wanted to work with Trash for Treasure, and at one point we were testing Timesifter as a finisher because you can keep taking infinite turns while milling the opponent, but at 5cc it turned out to be overkill. We finally settled on tezz mostly.

Infernal is awesome, early on you find locking pieces or a bridge, late game you tutor tezz and wrap up the game. At first I was hesitant because you need to be hellbent and it costs 2, but its really good because the deck is built to empty the hand really fast. Yesterday in a match I left 5 mana open and passed the turn, at the opponent's EOT I activated codex, got Infernal back and in my turn I played INfernal, tutored Tezz and played tezz for the game. Even in the graveyard its still an useful card. A lot of people undervalue codex's second ability, with a deck that auto mills your garevyard is very resourceful which makes codex and ruins very valuable.

I play few discard and its Duress rather than Thoughtsieze or Kozilek because Kozilek has a 3cc limitation and Thoughtseize costs 2 life. Duress is good enough because other than Snapcaster there really aren't much creatures that you couldn't easily control with Dispatch, Pyroclasm, Bridge, Beast Within or Pithing Needle. Usually the opponent just has one card that is problematic in the opening hand, so if you can set the lantern lock fast and hit their key card with duress, you should be fine. Because of that, discard is usually only useful once since after that we will be controlling what they draw. The other bad side to having lots of discard is that once you set the locks discard spells become useless since they shouldn't be able to draw anything worth discarding. The best discard trick I've found so far is Necrogen Spellbomb. Its an artifact that costs 1 so it fits perfectly, you should get it to the grave either by activating it or discarding it, then once you have 4 mana and ruins on the field you can bring spellbomb back every turn and activate it on the opponent's draw step, they won't be able to draw a card ever again. You would only need to mill instants with the lantern combo and make them discard eveything else with spellbomb+ruins. It works, I just don't use it due to lack of deck space.

I'd like to see your new variations after reading the primer, glad you liked it.

niko47 ha scritto:hi Zerodown, I am that guy ;) Maybe u can recognize/remember the name niko47 :D I was really unhappy when you left the game in g2, becouse i would like to use my sb :D :D :D Obviously i m joking. I actually play the list that you can read above, but i admit that your list is more stable and sturdy than mine , that's undeniable...Just to make sure everyone knows: he defeated my new eggs deck at 2nd turn, having the perfect and total control of the board :o_0: I ll try your list, hoping for funny games. Just few question:
1)How's the match up against control decks? (i ve forgotten the answer :) )
2)If the opponent plays Nature's Claim (or another removal) on lantern + Asportare or Surgical Extraction? This could occur before you have 5 mana to use Codex Shredded ability.
3) Have this deck in real? Have you made some tournaments? Share your match up with us please.
See you soon on MWS for G2 ;)

I do remember you, sorry for leaving, girlfriend was waiting for dinner hehe. I'll gladly do some testing games if we can set it up (Time zones). On that game, I actually googled some rulings and Pithing Needle won't stop Krark-Clan Ironworks. But I think I would have won anyways since I had played duress on your ironworks and I wouldn't have let you draw another one with lantern and codex already on the field. Again, if we figure out an hour we can play some more games.

1. Against control, basically you either play your pieces before counters are active or you bait them into countering something and then play your combo piece. But usually you should be dorpping lantern and another piece within the first 2 turns os its hard to counter. They have to counter both the lantern pieces and bridge since a bridge stops them from winning too. We either play it too fast for them to counter, or we have enough mana to play multiple spells in turns 2 and 3 so they won't counter everything (tahst where you play baits). Even if they counter some stuff you can start using ruins soon enough.

Here is another nifty trick to find the lantern. If you have 2 mana and academy on the field and need to find a lantern you can start milling yourself at the opponent's EOT with codex & bells trying to mill a lantern so you can use ruins to put it back and draw it in your turn.

2. If you lose lantern to surgical or extirpate you'll probably lose, you'll only be able to look at the opponent's top card once a turn at his EOT with the ruins_bauble combo. You keep using ruins to bring back bauble and tap it at the opponent's EOT, you get to control 50% of their draws (in theory) and you still get a draw off the library because bauble draws you a card in the next ukpeek. It'll be pretty tough to lose a lantern like that and you better keep that bridge alive if it happens, but the odds of that happening are very small. Because they need to both get lantern into the grave and then surgical it. Duress and more discard off the SB are very good at handling that. It could definitely happen, it just would happen very rarely. Duress really is that good because the deck can control the draws by turn 1 with a little luck, but in overall turns 2 & 3 are where it grabs hold of the opponent. So usually the opponent gets from 7 to 9 cards before we set up the lantern combo, out of those usually we just want to make them discard one and its usually a spell not a creature.

3. Sadly I don't have the deck for real. I play online as a hobby because of lack of time and money to play at real events. But thats why I enjoy discussing the deck rather than keep it a secret to win tournaments, I'm proud of it and just want it to spread hehe. I'm actually waiting for other members over there to bring torunament reports so I can add to the primer. If you guys get any I'd love to see how it does because honestly I hardly ever lose with that specific list. If anyone tests that exact list I'd really like to hear their comments to keep imrpoving it.

alvoi ha scritto:What do you say about Auriok Salvagers? If you don't see Academy Ruins it can return your lanters from the grave.
Che ne dite di Auriok Salvagers? Se non si vede Academy Ruins può far tornare le lanterne dal cimitero.

EDIT @niko: How did this deck defeated you at the second turn?? And the match-ups are in the primer:
EDIT @niko: Come ha fatto questo mazzo a batterti al secondo turno??? E i match-up li ha scritti nel primer:

Auriok costs 5 mana which is way bad. Academy does the job just fine. If you want something more maybe you could run Buried Ruins.

Also, I didnf't actually defeat niko47, I just had him locked by turn 2 after using duress on his Ironworks. I did set a needle on ironworks just to make sure since I figured it was his keycard, but I have read that needle won't stop ironworks. Game could have gone longer, but I already had the lantern combo and I had duressed ironworks in hand.

@Everyone: The primer I posted should be read from page 11 and forward because thats where it started getting good and I re-did the primer because the list was very different.

Throughout the primer there are posts by me with pictures on the matchups and in the mathcup section of the primer I cover very briefly how to deal with top decks. It needs expanding though.
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Livello II
Livello II
Messaggi: 9
Iscritto il: 8 giu '13, 23:20


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