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[B&R] Banned & Restricted List (MH3 prebanned in Historic)

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Re: 22/04/2013 DCI Banned & Restricted List

Messaggioda Kikkotto » 22 apr '13, 7:29

Ma perché togliere egg?!?!?!? Che senso ha?!?!?!? :( e pensare che l'avevo appena finito di montare!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Livello V
Livello V
Messaggi: 53
Iscritto il: 9 gen '13, 23:04

Re: 22/04/2013 DCI Banned & Restricted List

Messaggioda alvoi » 22 apr '13, 7:30

No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maledetti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"come ad un buon protagonista di un buon libro"
Grazie <3
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Iscritto il: 28 set '12, 19:09
Località: Thraben, Gavony Nord, Innistrad

Re: 22/04/2013 DCI Banned & Restricted List

Messaggioda TheKris91 » 22 apr '13, 7:58

Sassi ha scritto:Ma perché togliere egg?!?!?!? Che senso ha?!?!?!? :( e pensare che l'avevo appena finito di montare!!!!!!!!!!!!

finito di montare naya boom burst, che ha anche una Bella spesa pure senza tarmo, mi bannarono elfa -.-
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Livello VI
Livello VI
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Iscritto il: 17 set '12, 4:31

Re: 22/04/2013 DCI Banned & Restricted List

Messaggioda Kikkotto » 22 apr '13, 8:01

TheKris91 ha scritto:
Sassi ha scritto:Ma perché togliere egg?!?!?!? Che senso ha?!?!?!? :( e pensare che l'avevo appena finito di montare!!!!!!!!!!!!

finito di montare naya boom burst, che ha anche una Bella spesa pure senza tarmo, mi bannarono elfa -.-

Sembra quasi che lo fanno apposta?! TT_TT

pensare che natale é ancora lontano XD
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Livello V
Livello V
Messaggi: 53
Iscritto il: 9 gen '13, 23:04

Re: R: 22/04/2013 DCI Banned & Restricted List

Messaggioda kuro » 22 apr '13, 8:06

Probabilmente qualcuno dell'R&D si è imbattuto in un match contro ovetti e si è dilaniato i cosiddetti come me e come ogni altro giocatore dall'altra parte del tavolo..
Comunque mi sembra un pochino in linea con ban di Seething Song, infatti anche ovetti scomba di secondo..
"Per i kavu, i Phyrexiani sono solo una merenda croccante."
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Livello VI
Livello VI
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Iscritto il: 7 lug '12, 19:55

Re: 22/04/2013 DCI Banned & Restricted List

Messaggioda Nove_Chan » 22 apr '13, 8:14

quoto, ovetti chiudeva davvero troppo in fretta, per la maggior parte dei mazzi non c'era modo di contrastarlo, se non pregare Thor che l'oppo si incastrasse durante la combo...
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Livello V
Livello V
Messaggi: 86
Iscritto il: 15 nov '12, 13:03

Re: R: 22/04/2013 DCI Banned & Restricted List

Messaggioda kuro » 22 apr '13, 8:22

Nove_Chan ha scritto:quoto, ovetti chiudeva davvero troppo in fretta, per la maggior parte dei mazzi non c'era modo di contrastarlo, se non pregare Thor che l'oppo si incastrasse durante la combo...

Fixed: pregare Emrakul

Ho appena letto la motivazione effettiva. Non si può dar torto, giocare contro ovetti richiede un tempo davvero lungo (ve lo ricordate watanabe al PT che giocava con il dado un attesa che l'oppo passasse il turno?) e sono tra le vittime di chi ha dovuto pattare ai turni extra pur avendo un buon MU.
Ban necessario? No. Ban alla noia? Si.
"Per i kavu, i Phyrexiani sono solo una merenda croccante."
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Livello VI
Livello VI
Messaggi: 223
Iscritto il: 7 lug '12, 19:55

Re: R: 22/04/2013 DCI Banned & Restricted List

Messaggioda Nove_Chan » 22 apr '13, 8:36

kuro ha scritto:
Nove_Chan ha scritto:quoto, ovetti chiudeva davvero troppo in fretta, per la maggior parte dei mazzi non c'era modo di contrastarlo, se non pregare Thor che l'oppo si incastrasse durante la combo...

Fixed: pregare Emrakul

Mi scusi ma io credo solo nelle antiche divinità nordiche 8)
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Livello V
Livello V
Messaggi: 86
Iscritto il: 15 nov '12, 13:03

[B&R] Commander 04/2013 Banned List

Messaggioda Goharoth » 22 apr '13, 8:44

Grandi novità nella Banned List di entrambi i formati del Commander (Classico e Duel - quest'ultimo, ricordo, è la versione pensata eclusivamente per l'1 VS 1).


Staff of Domination is UNBANNED

Trade Secrets is BANNED

Overall, we're very happy with the current state of Commander. Both of these changes are decisions that have been building momentum for a while rather than urgent issues.

When Staff of Domination was banned, it was one of the most widespread and iconic combo cards in the format. Banning it sent a clear message that turn four wins weren't the gameplay we wanted to see. These days there are plenty of scarier combo cards out there, and Staff of Domination has a valid role as a cool utility card. Neither of these would be enough their own, but together they provide solid reasons to unban the do-anything stick. Please enjoy Staff of Domination responsibly.

Trade Secrets is much like Limited Resources in that has some issues in a multiplayer environment. It isn't a problem when one player draws four cards and another draws eight. Trade Secrets is a problem when both players decide to draw 80 cards and effectively turn a four-player game into a two-player game. It just doesn't add enough to the format to justify the games that it single-handedly ruins.


Vanishing is banned
Humility is banned
Protean Hulk is unbanned
Bitterblossom is unbanned
Staff of Domination is unbanned

While we already acknowledged the large proportion of white and blue in January, it appears that the number of such decks is rising, and even more so in large tournaments. Saint-Nazaire’s tournament in March, with 77 players, had more than 30% of decks playing white-blue. It’s clear that while players enjoy playing diverse decks, many are coming back to the tried-and-true combination of disruption and game-breakers that these colors offer when it’s time to play a big tournament with significant prizes. The powerful commanders available in these colors add to their appeal.

Another large feedback has been the lack of aggressive options. While the relatively small number of such decks is explained by rules inherent to the format, 30 life being a big hurdle for very aggressive decks to overcome, we do believe that their small numbers are also explained by the fact that many experienced and successful players choose more controlling strategies.

Nonetheless, we are trying with these bannings and unbannings to push a little bit towards aggro and open up other possiblities as well. We are keeping an eye on the number of blue-white decks and if these continue dominating further measures will be taken.

Vanishing is banned

This is a central piece of Zur the Enchanter and a primary reason of its success. Zur’s strategy is to attack relentlessly, locking the game up bit by bit. As long as it can protect its commander, its game plan is basically bullet-proof, since Zur’s tutoring can handle any incoming threat. Vanishing is a key part of that strategy since it protects the commander from everything, up to and including Clone effects and mass removal.

While the continued success of Zur in large tournaments can be attributed in big part to its experienced pilots, it is by itself an extremely potent commander with a strategy that’s quite difficult to stop. The prospect of facing Zur forces many players to include specialized measures, such as split second removal. We believe that the pressure on the format is too strong, but not strong enough to ban the entire deck. Therefore we are choosing to ban Vanishing, so that other decks can fight it on more equal grounds.

Humility is banned

While not a central piece of any top deck, Humility has a very profound effect on the game. As soon as it’s on the board, every creature is a 1/1 with no ability, including commanders. This nullifies a variety of creature-based and commander-based strategies, and makes the game quite unfun for the unprepared player. Moreover, it prevents the vast majority of commanders from functioning, which breaks the spirit of Commander somewhat. It forces players to run specialized cards (Disenchant, Nature’s Claim) to answer it, as it gets around more versatile enchantment removal like Qasali Pridemage or Acidic Slime. Aggressive decks are wrecked by Humility since they either lose to it, or run answers and thus dilute their primary game plan. For these reasons, and since it has influence on decks even when it’s not played a lot, we are banning Humility.

Protean Hulk is unbanned

For years, this card has been banned from the multiplayer format, because as soon as it dies, there’s plenty of ways of winning the game on the spot. Moreover, getting a creature to die isn’t hard at all, given the many sacrifice effects available in the format.

When we transitioned from a common banlist to a separate one, Protean Hulk was left banned as precaution, since the format is full of ways to cheat it into play. However, after closer inspection, it appears that there already are plenty of huge creatures which can win the game as soon as they hit the board – Iona, Shield of Emeria, Elesh Norn, Griselbrand. These aren’t oppressive and most decks can either fight through or counter those reanimation strategies. Protean Hulk requires additional setup: a few dedicated slots in the deck, as well as a way to sacrifice it in order to win. Instant wins are also possible using Flash, but this requires four colors to work. Given that you have to make compromises for this unreliable combo, we believe it’s safe enough to have it in the format.

Bitterblossom is unbanned

This card has been banned 15 months ago amidst a lot of controversy. Many games were won on turn 2 just by resolving this innocuous enchantment. What the opponent did by this point mattered little – either they would lose to the incessant stream of fliers, or they would spend too many resources fighting them and would lose to anything else you played. And let’s face it, 1 life a turn is completely negligible in a 30-life format.

What has made us change our minds then? First of all, the format has accelerated quite a bit and most decks can win before Bitterblossom can make a real difference. Second, many decks now pack more enchantment removal in order to face the diverse threats found in the format – what stops Oath of Druids, Sylvan Library, or Survival of the Fittest can also stop Bitterblossom, not to speak of Disenchant-likes which many people run to stop Swords. Third, a few decks in the format can ignore Bitterblossom – ramp decks like Maelstrom Wanderer or combo like Zur. Last but not least, black is the most unpopular color at the moment (tied with red), so it could benefit from an additional weapon.

We are unbanning it for now to give these decks a little boost, but the effect on the game is so big that it will be closely watched.

Staff of Domination is unbanned

This card’s only use is as a combo engine combined with any creature that produces 5 or more mana. Since artifact-based decks with Metalworker aren’t competitive, this leaves only Elves able to exploit it effectively. Ezuri is played to a certain success but is far from dominating. Giving it an extra weapon that it can’t tutor shouldn’t make a big difference.

"Il tempo scorre come un fiume. A Tolaria ci esercitiamo nell'arte di costruire dighe" _Barrin
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Messaggi: 3191
Iscritto il: 27 set '11, 12:47

Re: [B&R] 22/04/2013 DCI Banned & Restricted List

Messaggioda BlackBonesBong » 22 apr '13, 8:56

In realtà non lo mai ritenuto un mazzo Tier 1 l' Eggs, molte volte capita su Cocka che iniziano a scombare i miei oppo e dopo un pò mi chiedono se voglio concedere, io li dico tranquillamente che possono andare avanti, e allora si scopre che si erano incastrati e passano il turno.
Un mazzo più forte di quello che si pensa insomma, basta essere pazienti e si scopre più volte di quello che si pensa quanto sia fragile, comunque la Wizzy ha parlato chiaro, niente combo/storm in modern, quindi tenetevi stretto splinter twin e andiamo avanti così.
Mazzi giocati:
Blood End Modern
GW Hatebears Modern
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Livello VII
Livello VII
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Iscritto il: 26 set '12, 16:01


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