Io vi dico che, avendo giocato legacy, Nemesi è molto più difficile da gestire di quanto pensiate (se volete monto un mazzo modern qualunque con TNN e proviamo qualche partita su cockatrice).
Vi dico anche che, da giocatore di modern, il modern assorbirebbe il nostro tonno preferito senza problemi. Non mi metterei a gridare al ban come non lo faccio per il legacy perchè riconosco che, pur non con semplicità, è una minaccia gestibile.
Detto questo, non ha senso che la Wizard metta in Modern Horizons una carta che è stata riconosciuta come un errore di design.
jeffderek asked: If you don't like Commander Eesha because protection from creatures makes the game uninteresting, what do you think about True-Name Nemesis?
I’m not a huge fan of the design. I’m kind of keen on player interaction.
In fairness to the design, it was created to be played in a multiplayer format where the card was supposed to have interesting political ramifications and was much easier to deal with.
greenpm33 asked: Please find the people responsible for True Name Nemesis and hive five them in the face. Definitely one of the worst cards produced in the past five years.
I don’t hit people. I could give them a mean look.
convergecrew asked: Hi mark, I know the hype has died down a bit but I just wanted to stress how much I dislike TNN and how much it negatively affects my legacy experiences. The games come down to "how do I prevent TNN from resolving" rather than playing the board state. Is there anyone in Development I can contact to reiterate my opinions?
R&D is well aware of the public’s feelings on True Name Nemesis and I believe it will impact how we act in the future.
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