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Re: Dubbi e perplessità sui tornei che faccio!

Messaggioda Legolax » 7 mag '15, 9:12

Ciao, rispondo in ordine alle tue domande:

1) Immagino tu ti riferisca alla DCI-card. In pratica è il codice con cui vieni identificato in Magic (una sorta di carta d'identità :P).
Con essa potrai fare tornei sanzionati, accumulare punti, ricevere inviti ai tornei più prestigiosi, eccetera.
Insomma, se non hai quella, è come se non giocassi a Magic!

2) Se partecipi a un torneo sanzionato (come il 99% dei tornei), se non hai la DCI-card, il negoziante provvederà a fartela in 5 minuti, e da quel momento inizierai la tua "carriera" in Magic!
Dovrai sempre presentare la DCI ogni volta che ti iscrivi a un torneo.

3) Sì, guadagni i famosi "Punti Planeswalkers", che attestano il tuo livello di gioco (quanti eventi hai fatto, quanti ne hai vinti, ecc). E se hai abbastanza Punti Planeswalker accumulati (dovrebbero essere 500 in un anno), potrai ricevere un invito a giocare ai Nazionali!
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Re: Dubbi e perplessità sui tornei che faccio!

Messaggioda xXxShinenxXx » 7 mag '15, 20:59

Grazie mille per la risposta! davvero esaustiva! a questo però mi vengono in mente altre domande.
Ad esempio:
1) I punti accumulati nei vari tornei (sia normali che FMN) servono solo ed esclusivamente per partecipare a vari eventi, quindi importanti tornei? oppure possono essere scambiati per altro?
2) il motivo per il quale il negoziante non mi ha nemmeno menzionato la carta, è perchè sono alle prime armi e quindi prenderei solo schiaffi ai tornei??

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Livello II
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Iscritto il: 6 mag '15, 19:15

Re: Dubbi e perplessità sui tornei che faccio!

Messaggioda Mikefon » 7 mag '15, 22:30

1) Sì i punti non servono ad altro se non qualificazione e ovviamente prestigio (la soddisfazione di sfottere i tuoi amici di livello più basso)
2) È un comportamento strano perché di solito il negoziante medio tessera qualunque cosa respiri in negozio.... Prova a chiedere e vedrai che te la fa in un attimo...
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Re: Dubbi e perplessità sui tornei che faccio!

Messaggioda xXxShinenxXx » 7 mag '15, 22:43

Grazie mille di nuovo! Lunga vita a questo sito/forum :D
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Livello II
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Iscritto il: 6 mag '15, 19:15

Consigli su "Sprazzo di Autorità" e "Alte sentinelle di Aras

Messaggioda vassily » 8 mag '15, 16:30

Salve a tutti, sono un neofita del gioco e vorrei avere alcune delucidazioni. Partiamo da questa situazione: Ho 3 creature; A,B e C. A è una creatura 2/2 e viene incantata con "Sprazzo di autorità" il che le fà prendere +1/+1 per ogni segnalino +1/+1 sulle altre creature che controllo, oltre all'abilità "Sostieni 1"; B è una creatura con 2 segnalini +1/+1, C invece ne ha 3. Detto ciò A diventa una creatura non più 2/2 ma 7/7 giusto? Ora, se muore la creatura B, A non è più 7/7 ma diventa 5/5...corretto?
L'abilità statica dell'incantesimo è un effetto continuo vero? si modella in base alle condizioni che sussistono sul campo di battaglia?!
Per le "Alte sentinelle" la domanda più o meno è la stessa; loro hanno l'abilità statica che le fa prendere +1/+1 per ogni creatura con un segnalino +1/+1, oltretutto hanno l'abilità attivata che fa mettere una segnalino +1/+1 su un'altra creatura. Quindi considerando la stessa situazione di prima (sostituiamo A con le "Sentinelle") queste ultime non sono più una creatura 3/4 ma una 5/6. Nel caso dovesse entrare in gioco un'altra creatura (denominata D) e assegno a quest'ultima creatura appena entrata un segnalino +1/+1, le "Sentinelle" diventano un 6/7 (perché ho 3 creature con dei segnalini +1/+1 su di esse.

Spero di essermi spiegato abbastanza nitidamente!!

Fatemi sapere

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Livello II
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Iscritto il: 8 mag '15, 16:16

Re: Consigli su "Sprazzo di Autorità" e "Alte sentinelle di

Messaggioda Catte » 8 mag '15, 16:41

tutto giusto :D
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Iscritto il: 6 lug '12, 17:57

Re: Consigli su "Sprazzo di Autorità" e "Alte sentinelle di

Messaggioda Legolax » 8 mag '15, 17:01

Spostato nella sezione adatta.
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Iscritto il: 30 gen '12, 12:00
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Hardened Scales & Daghatar l'irremovibile

Messaggioda vassily » 8 mag '15, 23:14

Buonasera ragazzi!!

Volevo porvi questo quesito: ho in campo l'incantesimo "Hardened Scales" (quando sto per mettere uno o più segnalini +1/+1 su una creatura ne aggiungo un altro), gioco Daghatar (una creatura 0/0 che entra nel campo di battaglia con 4 segnalini +1/+1), quest'ultima è soggetta all'incantesimo che ho? Invece di 4/4 diventa 5/5?

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Livello II
Livello II
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Iscritto il: 8 mag '15, 16:16

Re: Hardened Scales & Daghatar l'irremovibile

Messaggioda donChi » 9 mag '15, 11:22

vassily ha scritto:Buonasera ragazzi!!

Volevo porvi questo quesito: ho in campo l'incantesimo "Hardened Scales" (quando sto per mettere uno o più segnalini +1/+1 su una creatura ne aggiungo un altro), gioco Daghatar l'Irremovibile (una creatura 0/0 che entra nel campo di battaglia con 4 segnalini +1/+1), quest'ultima è soggetta all'incantesimo che ho? Invece di 4/4 diventa 5/5?


Piccola nota iniziale: quando parli di qualche carta, ricordati di mettere i TAG (come da regolamento.. ;) ), così è più facile per chi legge vedere bene che carta è (e a volte - non in questo caso, ma in altri sì - c'è bisogno di vedere bene il testo della carta!)..

Detto ciò: sì, Daghatar l'Irremovibile entrerà con 5 segnalini.
Il motivo è semplice: come spiega la regola 121.6, il "mettere" segnalini su un permanente si riferisce anche alle creature he entrano nel campo di battaglia con X segnalini +1/+1, e quindi il tuo incantesimo "entra in azione".
Ecco il testo delle due regole che ci interessano.

Codice: Seleziona tutto
121.6 Se una magia o un'abilità si riferisce ad un segnalino che viene “messo” su un permanente, si riferisce a mettere un segnalino su quel permanete mentre è sul campo di battaglia o al permanente che entra nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino come risultato di un effetto di sostituzione (vedi regola 614.1c).

614.1c Gli effetti che dicono “[Questo permanente] entra nel campo di battaglia con …”, “Mentre [questo permanente] entra nel campo di battaglia …” oppure “[Questo permanente] entra nel campo di battaglia come …” sono effetti di sostituzione.
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[FAQ] Modern Masters (2015 Edition) - MM2 - Release Notes

Messaggioda donChi » 12 mag '15, 20:57

Modern Masters 2015 Edition Release Notes


Compiled by Matt Tabak, with contributions from Laurie Cheers, Carsten Haese, Eli Shiffrin, Zoe Stephenson, and Thijs van Ommen

Document last modified April 10, 2015

The Release Notesinclude information concerning the release of a new Magic: The Gathering set, as well as a collection of clarifications and rulings involving that set’s cards. It’s intended to make playing with the new cards more fun by clearing up the common misconceptions and confusion inevitably caused by new mechanics and interactions. As future sets are released, updates to the Magic rules may cause some of this information to become outdated. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for here, please contact us at

The “General Notes”section includes release information and explains the mechanics and concepts in the set.

The “Card-Specific Notes”section contains answers to the most important, most common, and most confusing questions players might ask about cards in the set. Items in the “Card-Specific Notes” section include full card text for your reference. Not all cards in the set are listed.


What is Modern Masters?

The Modern Masters 2015 Editionset is a follow-up to 2013’s original Modern Masters set. Once again, some of the most beloved and iconic cards from the Modern format will appear in the same booster packs, andan all-new Limited experience will have you drafting your old favorites in exciting new ways. The Modern Masters 2015 Editionset takes players back to some of the most remarkable planes from recent history, including Zendikar, Mirrodin, Ravnica, Lorwyn, Kamigawa, and Alara.

Release Information

The Modern Masters 2015 Editionset contains 249 cards (101 common, 80 uncommon, 53 rare,and 15 mythic rare).

Release date: May 22, 2015
Magic Online release date: May 29, 2015

Go to to find an event or store near you.

Modern Masters Weekend: May 28–31, 2015

Celebrate the launch of the Modern Masters 2015 Editionset with thousands of others around the globe and be a part of Magic history. It’s a triple Grand Prix weekend, with events in Las Vegas, Chiba, and Utrecht. Learn more about public events, artist signings, and everything else in store for this historic weekend at the websites for Grand Prix Las Vegas,Grand Prix Chiba, and Grand Prix Utrecht.

Format Legality

All cards in the Modern Masters 2015 Editionset are legal in the Modern format. Inclusion in the Modern Masters 2015 Editionset doesn’t change what other formats a card is legal in.

Go to for a complete list of formats and permitted card sets.

Returning Mechanics

All cards in theModern Masters 2015 Editionset have previously appeared in other Magic sets. Accordingly, several keywords and other mechanics make their return.

Affinity for artifacts

First appearing in Mirrodin®, affinity for artifacts causes spells you cast to cost less for each artifact you control.

The official rules for affinity are as follows:

702.40. Affinity

702.40a Affinity is a static ability that functions while the spell is on the stack. “Affinity for [text]” means “This spell costs you {1} less to cast for each [text] you control.”

702.40b The affinity ability reduces only the amount of generic mana a spell’s controller has to pay; it doesn’t reduce how much colored mana that player has to pay.

702.40c If a spell has multiple instances of affinity, each of them applies.

* Affinity doesn’t change the spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost. It changes only how much mana you pay to cast the spell.

* The cost reduction is set before you pay any of the spell’s costs. Specifically, you could lock in a discount for an artifact you control and then sacrifice that artifact to activate a mana ability.

* If there are any additional costs or cost increases that would apply to a spell with affinity, apply those before applying any cost reductions.


Annihilator is the signature mechanic of the Eldrazi, first seen in Rise of the Eldrazi®.

The official rules for annihilator are as follows:

702.85. Annihilator

702.85a Annihilator is a triggered ability. “Annihilator N” means “Whenever this creature attacks, defending player sacrifices N permanents.”

702.85b If a creature has multiple instances of annihilator, each triggers separately.

* Annihilator abilities trigger and resolve during the declare attackers step. The defending player chooses and sacrifices the required number of permanents before he or she declares blockers. Any creatures sacrificed this way won’t be able to block.

* If a creature with annihilator is attacking a planeswalker, and the defending player chooses to sacrifice that planeswalker, the attacking creature continues to attack. It may be blocked. If it isn’t blocked, it simply won’t deal combat damage to anything.

* In a Two-Headed Giant game, the controller of an attacking creature with annihilator chooses which of the defending players is affected by the ability. Only that player sacrifices permanents. The choice is made as the ability resolves; once a player is chosen, it’s too late for anyone to respond.


Bloodthirst gives +1/+1 counters to creatures that enter the battlefield on the same turn an opponent was dealt damage. It originally appeared in Guildpact™.

The official rules for bloodthirst are as follows:

702.53. Bloodthirst

702.53a Bloodthirst is a static ability. “Bloodthirst N” means “If an opponent was dealt damage this turn, this permanent enters the battlefield with N +1/+1 counters on it.”

702.53b “Bloodthirst X” is a special form of bloodthirst. “Bloodthirst X” means “This permanent enters the battlefield with X +1/+1 counters on it, where X is the total damage your opponents have been dealt this turn.”

702.53c If an object has multiple instances of bloodthirst, each applies separately.

* Bloodthirst checks for any kind of damage, not just combat damage.

* Life loss that isn’t caused by damage (for example, the life loss caused by Sign in Blood) doesn’t cause a creature with bloodthirst to enter the battlefield with +1/+1 counters.

* It doesn’t matter who controlled the source that dealt damage to an opponent.

* No cards in this set have bloodthirst X.


Convoke lets your creatures help you cast your spells. It first appeared in Ravnica: City of Guilds® and most recently appeared in the Magic 2015 core set.

The official rules for convoke are as follows:

702.50. Convoke

702.50a Convoke is a static ability that functions while the spell with convoke is on the stack. “Convoke” means “For each colored mana in this spell’s total cost, you may tap an untapped creature of that color you control rather than pay that mana. For each generic mana in this spell’s total cost, you may tap an untapped creature you control rather than pay that mana.” The convoke ability isn’t an additional or alternative cost and applies only after the total cost of the spell with convoke is determined.

702.50b Multiple instances of convoke on the same spell are redundant.

* The rules for convoke have changed slightly since its first appearance, although they haven’t changed since the mechanic’s appearance in the Magic 2015 core set. Before then, convoke reduced the cost to cast a spell. Under current rules, you tap creatures at the same time you pay the spell’s costs. Tapping a creature this way is simply another way to pay.

* Convoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost. For example, the converted mana cost of Overwhelm (which has mana cost {5}{G}{G}) is 7 even if you tapped seven creatures to cast it.

* When calculating a spell’s total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated.For example, if there is a Lodestone Golem on the battlefield (which makes nonartifact spells cost {1} more to cast), then you could tap six creatures and pay {G}{G} to cast Overwhelm (which has mana cost {5}{G}{G}).

* Because convoke isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs (such as evoke).

* Tapping a multicolored creature using convoke will pay for {1} or one mana of your choice of any of that creature’s colors.

* When using convoke to cast a spell with {X} in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. That choice, plus any cost increases or decreases, will determine the spell’s total cost. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay that cost. For example, if you cast Chord of Calling (a spell with convoke and mana cost {X}{G}{G}{G}) and choose X to be 3, the total cost is {3}{G}{G}{G} . If you tap two green creatures and two red creatures, you’ll have to pay {1}{G}.

* If a creature you control has a mana ability with {T} in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped when you pay the spell’s costs. You won’t be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won’t be on the battlefield when you pay the spell’s costs, so you won’t be able to tap it for convoke.


Evoke lets you pay an alternative cost to cast a creature spell. That creature will then be sacrificed, but you’ll be able to access its enters-the-battlefield or leaves-the-battlefield ability for less mana. Evoke first appeared in Lorwyn®.

The official rules for evoke are as follows:

702.73. Evoke

702.73a Evoke represents two abilities: a static ability that functions in any zone from which the card with evoke can be cast and a triggered ability that functions on the battlefield. “Evoke [cost]” means “You may cast this card by paying [cost] rather than paying its mana cost” and “When this permanent enters the battlefield, if its evoke cost was paid, its controller sacrifices it.” Paying a card’s evoke cost follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2e–g.

* The creature’s enters-the-battlefield or leaves-the-battlefield ability functions whether you pay the evoke cost or not. You can cast these spells as normal and the creature won’t be sacrificed.

* Casting a spell for its evoke cost follows all the rules for casting that spell. It doesn’t change when you can cast that spell.

* Evoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost.

* If you cast a spell without paying its mana cost, you can’t use its evoke ability. (Then again, you probably wouldn’t want to.)


Exalted gives a bonus to a creature that attacks alone. Exalted originally appeared in Shards of Alara®.

The official rules for exalted are as follows:

702.82. Exalted

702.82a Exalted is a triggered ability. “Exalted” means “Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, that creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.”

702.82b A creature “attacks alone” if it’s the only creature declared as an attacker in a given combat phase. See rule 506.5.

* If you declare exactly one creature as an attacker, each exalted ability on each permanent you control (including, perhaps, the attacking creature itself) will trigger. The bonuses are given to the attacking creature, not to the permanent with exalted. Ultimately, the attacking creature will wind up with +1/+1 for each of your exalted abilities.

* You must attack with exactly one creature in order for exalted abilities to trigger. Exalted abilities won’t trigger if you attack a player with one creature and a planeswalker with another, for example.

* Some cards with exalted abilities have other abilities that also trigger when a creature you control attacks alone. Each time a creature you control attacks alone, both the exalted ability and the other ability will trigger.

* If you attack with multiple creatures, and all but one are removed from combat, your exalted abilities won’t trigger.

* Some effects put creatures onto the battlefield attacking. Since those creatures were never declared as attackers, they’re ignored by exalted abilities. They won’t cause exalted abilities to trigger. If any exalted abilities have already triggered (because exactly one creature was declared as an attacker), those abilities will resolve as normal even though there may now be multiple attackers.

* Exalted abilities resolve before blockers are declared.

* Exalted bonuses last until end of turn. If an effect creates an additional combat phase during your turn, a creature that attacked alone during the first combat phase will still have its exalted bonuses in the new phase. If a creature attacks alone during the second combat phase, all your exalted abilities will trigger again.

* In a Two-Headed Giant game, a creature “attacks alone” if it’s the only creature declared as an attacker by your entire team. If you control that attacking creature, your exalted abilities will trigger but your teammate’s exalted abilities won’t.


Graft gives your creatures interchangeable parts: +1/+1 counters that can be placed on other creatures. Graft originally appeared in Dissension®.

The official rules for graft are as follows:

702.57. Graft

702.57a Graft represents both a static ability and a triggered ability. “Graft N” means “This permanent enters the battlefield with N +1/+1 counters on it” and “Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, if this permanent has a +1/+1 counter on it, you may move a +1/+1 counter from this permanent onto that creature.”

702.57b If a creature has multiple instances of graft, each one works separately.

* You choose whether to move a +1/+1 counter as the graft ability resolves.Once that ability starts to resolve, it’s too late for anyone to respond, whether you decide to add a +1/+1 counter to the creature that has just entered the battlefield or not.

* The graft ability will trigger no matter who controls the creature that entered the battlefield. You can move a +1/+1 counter onto a creature controlled by an opponent.

* The graft ability doesn’t target any permanent. You could move a +1/+1 counter onto a creature with shroud, for example.

* If a creature with graft and another creature enter the battlefield simultaneously, the graft ability will trigger. The ability’s controller may move a +1/+1 counter onto the other creature.

* Many creatures with graft also have an activated ability that targets a creature with a +1/+1 counter on it. In most cases, that means it can target itself. The target creature may have any number of +1/+1 counters on it. The target creature doesn’t need to have graft.

* If the target of such an activated ability loses all its +1/+1 counters before the ability resolves, the ability will be countered for having an illegal target. If the target creature loses all its +1/+1 counters after the ability resolves, it won’t lose the bonus it was granted by the ability.

Living weapon

Living weapon is a signature Phyrexian mechanic that combines an Equipment with a host body. It originally appeared in Mirrodin Besieged™.

The official rules for living weapon are as follows:

702.91. Living Weapon

702.91a Living weapon is a triggered ability. “Living weapon” means “When this Equipment enters the battlefield, put a 0/0 black Germ creature token onto the battlefield, then attach this Equipment to it.”

* Like other Equipment, anEquipment with living weapon has an equip cost. You can pay this cost to attach thatEquipment to another creature you control. Once the Germ token is no longer equipped, it will be put into your graveyard, unless another effect raises its toughness above 0.


Persist makes creatures especially difficult to kill for good. It originally appeared in Shadowmoor®.

The official rules for persist are as follows:

702.78. Persist

702.78a Persist is a triggered ability. “Persist” means “When this permanent is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, if it had no -1/-1 counters on it, return it to the battlefield under its owner’s control with a -1/-1 counter on it.”

* The persist ability triggers when the permanent is put into a graveyard. Its last known information (that is, how the creature last existed on the battlefield) is used to determine whether it had a -1/-1 counter on it.

* If a creature with persist that has +1/+1 counters on it receives enough -1/-1 counters to cause it to be destroyed by lethal damage or put into its owner’s graveyard for having 0 or less toughness, persist won’t trigger and the card won’t return to the battlefield. That’s because persist checks the creature’s existence just before it leaves the battlefield, and it still has all those counters on it at that point.

* If a creature with persist stops being a creature, persist will still work.

* When a permanent with persist returns to the battlefield, it’s a new object with no memory of or connection to its previous existence.

* If multiple creatures with persist die at the same time (due to combat damage or a spell that destroys all creatures, for example), the active player (the player whose turn it is) puts all of his or her persist triggers on the stack in any order, then each other player in turn order does the same. The last trigger put on the stack is the first one that resolves. That means that in a two-player game, the nonactive player’s persist creatures will return to the battlefield first, then the active player’s persist creatures do the same. The creatures return to the battlefield one at a time.


Proliferate is a keyword action that lets you increase the number of counters on players and permanents. It first appeared in Scars of Mirrodin™.

The official rules for proliferate are as follows:

701.24. Proliferate

701.24a To proliferate means to choose any number of permanents and/or players that have a counter, then give each exactly one additional counter of a kind that permanent or player already has.

701.24b If a permanent or player chosen this way has more than one kind of counter, the player who is proliferating chooses which kind of counter to add.

701.24c To proliferate in a Two-Headed Giant game means to choose any number of permanents and/or teams that have a counter, then give each exactly one additional counter of a kind that permanent or team already has. See rule 810, “Two-Headed Giant Variant.”

* You can choose any players that have counters, including yourself.

* You can choose any permanents that have counters, including ones controlled by opponents. You can’t choose cards in any zone other than the battlefield, even if they have counters on them, such as suspended cards or a Lightning Storm on the stack.

* You don’t have to choose every permanent or player that has a counter, only the ones you want to add another counter to. Since “any number” includes zero, you don’t have to choose any permanents at all, and you don’t have to choose any players at all.

* If a permanent chosen this way has multiple kinds of counters on it, only a single new counter is put on that permanent.

* The proliferate ability doesn’t target any permanent or player. For example, you could add a second -1/-1 counter to a creature with hexproof controlled by your opponent, or add a second poison counter to an opponent with hexproof.

* Players can respond to the spell or ability whose effect includes the instruction to proliferate. Once that spell or ability starts to resolve, however, and its controller chooses which permanents and players will get new counters, it’s too late for anyone to respond.


Damage dealt to a creature by a source with wither is especially harmful. Wither originally appeared in Shadowmoor.

The official rules for wither are as follows:

702.79. Wither

702.79a Wither is a static ability. Damage dealt to a creature by a source with wither isn’t marked on that creature. Rather, it causes that many -1/-1 counters to be put on that creature. See rule 119.3.

702.79b If a permanent leaves the battlefield before an effect causes it to deal damage, its last known information is used to determine whether it had wither.

702.79c The wither rules function no matter what zone an object with wither deals damage from.

702.79d Multiple instances of wither on the same object are redundant.

* Wither’s effect applies to any damage, not just combat damage.

* The -1/-1 counters remain on the creature indefinitely. They won’t be removed if the creature regenerates or the turn ends.

* Since damage from a source with wither is still damage, it follows all the other rules for damage. It can be prevented or redirected. Other abilities that apply to damage dealt, such as lifelink and deathtouch, will work normally.

* Damage from sources with wither affects players and planeswalkers (that aren’t also creatures) normally.

Hybrid mana, monocolored hybrid mana, and Phyrexianmana

Hybrid mana symbols represent costs that can be paid with either of two colors of mana. For example, {W/U} can be paid with either {W} or {U}. It’s both a bluemana symbol and a white mana symbol.

Monocolored hybrid mana symbols represent costs that can be paid with one mana of a certain color or with two mana of any color. For example, {2/G} can be paid with either {2} or {G}. It’s a green mana symbol.

Phyrexianmana symbols represent costs that can be paid either with one mana of a certain color or by paying 2 life. Phyrexianmana symbols appear as the Phyrexian insignia (a circle with a slash through it) on one of five colored backgrounds, each corresponding to one of the five colors of mana. For example, {G/P} can be paid with either {G} or 2 life. It’s a green mana symbol.

* When calculating the converted mana cost of a card, each hybrid mana symbol and Phyrexianmana symbol counts as 1. Each monocolored hybrid mana symbol counts as 2.

* You choose how you’re going to pay for any of the above symbols as you’re casting the spell or activating the ability with a cost that includes them.

* If you have 1 or less life, you can’t pay 2 life to pay for a Phyrexianmana symbol.

* Phyrexianmana is not a color. You can’t add Phyrexianmana to your mana pool.


Agony Warp
Target creature gets -3/-0 until end of turn.
Target creature gets -0/-3 until end of turn.

* The two target creatures may be the same creature or they may be different creatures.

* If the targets are different creatures, and one of the targets becomes illegal before Agony Warp resolves, Agony Warp will still affect the remaining legal target. In this case, however, you can’t change which effect applies to it. For example, if the second target becomes illegal, you can’t then decide to give the first target -0/-3 instead of -3/-0.

All Is Dust
Tribal Sorcery — Eldrazi
Each player sacrifices all colored permanents he or she controls.

* A colored permanent is a permanent with one or more colors.

* Lands have no mana cost, so they are colorless unless something states otherwise.

* All colored permanents are sacrificed at the same time.

* All Is Dust doesn’t destroy permanents. Rather, it causes them to be sacrificed. Regeneration and indestructible can’t save permanents from All Is Dust.

All Suns’ Dawn
For each color, return up to one target card of that color from your graveyard to your hand. Exile All Suns’ Dawn.

* All Suns’ Dawn may be cast with zero to five targets, one for each color.

* You choose which color each target must be as you cast All Suns’ Dawn. For example, you could choose a white-blue card as the white target, a blue-red card as the blue target, and a red-white card as the red target.

Apocalypse Hydra
Creature — Hydra
Apocalypse Hydra enters the battlefield with X +1/+1 counters on it. If X is 5 or more, it enters the battlefield with an additional X +1/+1 counters on it.
{1}{R}, Remove a +1/+1 counter from Apocalypse Hydra: Apocalypse Hydra deals 1 damage to target creature or player.

* For example, if X is 4, Apocalypse Hydra enters the battlefield with four +1/+1 counters on it. If X is 5, it enters the battlefield with ten +1/+1 counters on it.

* The first ability checks the number you chose for X, not the amount of mana you actually spent or the number of +1/+1 counters Apocalypse Hydra entered the battlefield with.

* If a spell or ability allows you to cast Apocalypse Hydra without paying its mana cost, you must choose 0 as the value of X.

Apostle’s Blessing
({W/P} can be paid with either {W} or 2 life.)
Target artifact or creature you control gains protection from artifacts or from the color of your choice until end of turn.

* You choose what the target artifact or creature gains protection from as Apostle’s Blessing resolves. Once you’ve chosen, it’s too late for an opponent to respond to the creature gaining protection from your choice.

* If a creature enchanted with an Aura gains protection from that Aura’s color, that Aura will become unattached and be put into its owner’s graveyard. If an equipped creature gains protection from artifacts, any Equipment attached to it will become unattached and remain on the battlefield.

Argent Sphinx
Creature — Sphinx
Metalcraft — {U}: Exile Argent Sphinx. Return it to the battlefield under your control at the beginning of the next end step. Activate this ability only if you control three or more artifacts.

* Once Argent Sphinx’s ability is activated, it will resolve as normal and exile Argent Sphinx even if you cease to control three or more artifacts before it resolves.Likewise, Argent Sphinx will return to the battlefield no matter how many artifacts you control at the beginning of the next end step.

* If Argent Sphinx’s metalcraft ability exiles it during an end step, Argent Sphinx will return to the battlefield at the beginning of the next turn’s end step.

* If you temporarily gain control of an Argent Sphinx owned by another player and activate its metalcraft ability, it will return to the battlefield under your control. You’ll retain control of it indefinitely.

Enchantment — Aura
Enchant creature
Enchanted creature can’t attack or block, and its activated abilities can’t be activated.

* Activated abilities contain a colon. They’re generally written “[Cost]: [Effect].” Some keywords are activated abilities and will have colons in their reminder texts.

Banefire deals X damage to target creature or player.
If X is 5 or more, Banefire can’t be countered by spells or abilities and the damage can’t be prevented.

* Banefire checks the number you chose for X, not the amount of mana you actually spent.

* Banefire can be targeted by spells or abilities that try to counter it (such as Remand) regardless of what the value of X is. If X is 5 or more, those spells will still resolve, but the effect that would counter Banefire won’t do anything. Any other effects those spells have will work as normal. For example, Remand won’t counter Banefire or return it to its owner’s hand if X is 5 or more, but the controller of Remand will still draw a card.

* Banefire’s ability won’t prevent it from being countered by the game rules if its target becomes illegal, for instance by gaining protection from red.

Battlegrace Angel
Creature — Angel
Exalted (Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, that creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.)
Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, it gains lifelink until end of turn.

* Multiple instances of lifelink are redundant. If a creature with lifelink attacks alone, Battlegrace Angel’s ability won’t cause you to gain more life.

Blinkmoth Nexus
{T}: Add {1} to your mana pool.
{1}: Blinkmoth Nexus becomes a 1/1 Blinkmoth artifact creature with flying until end of turn. It’s still a land.
{1}, {T}: Target Blinkmoth creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.

* The last ability can target any Blinkmoth creature, including an animated Blinkmoth Nexus or a creature with changeling.

* If Blinkmoth Nexus becomes a creature but hasn’t continuously been under its controller’s control since that player’s most recent turn began, Blinkmoth Nexus won’t be able to attack and its abilities with {T} in the cost (including its mana ability) won’t be able to be activated. In other words, look at how long the permanent itself has been under your control, not how long it’s been a creature.

* Activating the ability that turns Blinkmoth Nexus into a creature while it’s already a creature will override any effects that set its power and/or toughness to a specific number. However, any effect that raises or lowers power and/or toughness (such as an effect created by Giant Growth, Glorious Anthem, or a +1/+1 counter) will continue to apply.

Bloodshot Trainee
Creature — Goblin Warrior
{T}: Bloodshot Trainee deals 4 damage to target creature. Activate this ability only if Bloodshot Trainee’s power is 4 or greater.

* Once Bloodshot Trainee’s ability is activated, it will resolve as normal even if Bloodshot Trainee’s power is reduced to less than 4.

Bone Splinters
As an additional cost to cast Bone Splinters, sacrifice a creature.
Destroy target creature.

* You must sacrifice exactly one creature to cast Bone Splinters. You can’t cast it without sacrificing a creature, and you can’t sacrifice more than one creature.

* Players can respond to this spell only after all of its costs have been paid. No one can try to remove the creature you sacrificed to prevent you from casting Bone Splinters.

Chimeric Mass
Chimeric Mass enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it.
{1}: Until end of turn, Chimeric Mass becomes a Construct artifact creature with “This creature’s power and toughness are each equal to the number of charge counters on it.”

* If the number of charge counters on Chimeric Mass changes while it’s a creature, its power and toughness will change accordingly.

* If you activate Chimeric Mass’s last ability while it has no charge counters on it, it will become a 0/0 creature and be put into its owner’s graveyard as a state-based action (unless something else is raising its toughness).

* Activating the last ability while Chimeric Mass is a creature will override any effects that set its power and/or toughness to another number, but effects that modify power and/or toughness without directly setting them will still apply.

* For example, say you activate the last ability of a Chimeric Mass with three charge counters on it. After it resolves, you cast Giant Growth targeting it. It’s now 6/6. Then Diminish (“Target creature has base power and toughness 1/1 until end of turn”) is cast targeting it. Once Diminish resolves, Chimeric Mass will be 4/4. Activating Chimeric Mass’s last ability a second time will make it 6/6 again until end of turn.

Combust can’t be countered by spells or abilities.
Combust deals 5 damage to target white or blue creature. The damage can’t be prevented.

* Combust can be targeted by spells and abilities that try to counter it (such as Remand). Those spells and abilities will resolve, but the effect that would counter Combust won’t do anything. Any other effects those spells and abilities have will work as normal. For example, Remand won’t counter Combust or return it to its owner’s hand, but the controller of Remand will still draw a card.

* Combust’s ability won’t prevent it from being countered by the game rules if its target becomes illegal, for instance by gaining protection from red.

* Spells that create prevention effects affecting the target creature can still be cast, and abilities that create prevention effects affecting the target creature can still be activated. However, damage prevention shields (including those created before Combust was cast) have no effect on the damage dealt by Combust. If such a prevention effect has an additional effect, the additional effect will still work (if possible).

* If a static ability would prevent damage from being dealt to the target creature, it fails to prevent the damage dealt by Combust. If that ability has an additional effect that doesn’t depend on the amount of damage prevented, that additional effect will still work. It’s applied just once as Combust resolves.

* Effects that replace or redirect damage without using the word “prevent” aren’t affected by Combust; they’ll work as normal.

* If a creature is dealt lethal damage by Combust, it can still regenerate. If it does, the damage marked on it will be removed from it.

Comet Storm
Multikicker{1}(You may pay an additional {1} any number of times as you cast this spell.)
Choose target creature or player, then choose another target creature or player for each time Comet Storm was kicked. Comet Storm deals X damage to each of them.

* The total number of targets you choose for Comet Storm is one more than the number of times it was kicked. You declare how many times you’re going to kick Comet Storm at the same you declare the value of X, and then you choose targets accordingly. You then pay the total cost. No player can respond during the casting process.

* Each target you choose must be different.

* For example, if you want Comet Storm to deal 4 damage to each of three different targets, then X is 4 and you’re kicking the spell twice. You pay the mana cost of {4}{R}{R} plus two kicker costs of {1} each for a total cost of {6}{R}{R}.

* As long as any of Comet Storm’s targets are legal at the time Comet Storm resolves, it will deal X damage to each of those legal targets.

Cranial Plating
Artifact — Equipment
Equipped creature gets +1/+0 for each artifact you control.
{B}{B}: Attach Cranial Plating to target creature you control.
Equip {1}({1}: Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.)

* Although the first activated ability attaches Cranial Plating to a creature you control, it’s not an equip ability. You can activate this ability whenever you have priority.

Creakwood Liege
Creature — Horror
Other black creatures you control get +1/+1.
Other green creatures you control get +1/+1.
At the beginning of your upkeep, you may put a 1/1 black and green Worm creature token onto the battlefield.

* A creature that’s black and green, such as a Worm token created by Creakwood Liege, will benefit from both of the first two abilities and get +2/+2.

Cryptic Command
Choose two —
• Counter target spell.
• Return target permanent to its owner’s hand.
• Tap all creatures your opponents control.
• Draw a card.

* You choose both modes as you cast Cryptic Command. You must choose two different modes.

* Look at both chosen modes as a whole to determine how many targets Cryptic Command has. For example, if you choose the second and fourth modes, Cryptic Command has one target: the permanent that will be returned to its owner’s hand. If that target becomes illegal before Cryptic Command resolves, Cryptic Command will be countered and none of its effects will happen. You won’t draw a card.

Daybreak Coronet
Enchantment — Aura
Enchant creature with another Aura attached to it
Enchanted creature gets +3/+3 and has first strike, vigilance, and lifelink.

* If all other Auras attached to the enchanted creature stop enchanting it, Daybreak Coronet will be put into its owner’s graveyard.

* If Daybreak Coronet enters the battlefield without being cast, it must enter attached to a creature that’s already enchanted. Don’t consider any other Auras entering the battlefield at the same time. If there isn’t an enchanted creature for it to enter the battlefield attached to, Daybreak Coronet stays in the zone it’s in.

Tap target creature.
Metalcraft — If you control three or more artifacts, exile that creature.

* If you control three or more artifacts as Dispatch resolves, you’ll tap the creature, then exile it.

Dragonsoul Knight
Creature — Human Knight
First strike
{W}{U}{B}{R}{G}: Until end of turn, Dragonsoul Knight becomes a Dragon, gets +5/+3, and gains flying and trample.

* When Dragonsoul Knight’s activated ability resolves, it will gain flying and trample in addition to its other abilities. It will be a Dragon and lose all other creature types. It will no longer be a Human or a Knight.

* If you activate the activated ability after Dragonsoul Knight is blocked by a creature without flying or reach, Dragonsoul Knight gaining flying won’t change or undo the block.

Drooling Groodion
Creature — Beast
{2}{B}{G}, Sacrifice a creature: Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn. Another target creature gets -2/-2 until end of turn.

* You choose the targets for an activated ability before paying its costs. Notably, you can target a creature to get +2/+2, target a second creature you control to get -2/-2, and sacrifice the second creature to pay for Drooling Groodion’s activated ability. The other target creature will still get +2/+2.

* Drooling Groodion’s activated ability will always have two targets. If one (but not both) of those targets becomes illegal before the ability resolve, it will have no effect on the illegal target. The ability will resolve as normal with respect to the remaining legal target.

Electrolyze deals 2 damage divided as you choose among one or two target creatures and/or players.
Draw a card.

* You declare the division of damage as you cast Electrolyze. Each target must be assigned at least 1 damage.

* If Electrolyze has two targets, and one (but not both) of those targets becomes illegal before Electrolyze resolves, you can’t change the division of damage. Damage that would’ve been dealt to illegal targets is simply lost.

* You can’t deal damage to both a player and a planeswalker that player controls using Electrolyze. You also can’t deal damage to more than one planeswalker controlled by the same player. If you choose to redirect the damage Electrolyze is dealing a player to a planeswalker that player controls, you must redirect all the damage to a single planeswalker.

* If an effect creates a copy of Electrolyze, the division of damage and number of targets can’t be changed. The effect that creates the copy will likely allow you to change the targets, however.

Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
Legendary Creature — Praetor
Other creatures you control get +2/+2.
Creatures your opponents control get -2/-2.

* If more than one Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite is under a player’s control, all of their static abilities will briefly apply. Any creatures that have 0 or less toughness and any creatures that now have lethal damage marked on them will die at the same time that the “legend rule” causes all but one of the EleshNorns to be put into their owners’ graveyards.

* If acreature controlled by an opponent enters the battlefield with toughness 0 or less, it’s put into its owner’s graveyard. Any abilities that trigger when a creature enters the battlefield or dies will trigger.

Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
Legendary Creature — Eldrazi
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn can’t be countered.
When you cast Emrakul, take an extra turn after this one.
Flying, protection from colored spells, annihilator 6
When Emrakul is put into a graveyard from anywhere, its owner shuffles his or her graveyard into his or her library.

* Emrakul can be targeted by spells that try to counter it (like Remand). Those spells will resolve, but the part of their effect that would counter Emrakul won’t do anything. Any other effects those spells have will work as normal. For example, Remand won’t counter Emrakul or return it to its owner’s hand, but the controller of Remand will still draw a card.

* “Protection from colored spells” means that Emrakul can’t be the target of colored spells (including colored Aura spells) or of abilities whose sources are colored spells (such as the “when you cast” ability of anUlamog, the Infinite Gyre that’s been turned red by Painter’s Servant). It also means that all damage that would be dealt to Emrakul by colored spells is prevented. Like every protection ability, it works only while Emrakul is on the battlefield.

* “Colored spells” is not synonymous with “colored instants and sorceries.” For example, if a player cycles Resounding Wave, its triggered ability may target Emrakul because Resounding Wave wasn’t cast as a spell.

* Emrakul may be affected by colored spells that don’t target it or deal damage to it, including those that cause it to become blocked. Abilities of colored permanents (such as Journey to Nowhere) may target it. Auras may be moved onto it by abilities or by colored spells that don’t target it (such as Aura Graft).

EndrekSahr, Master Breeder
Legendary Creature — Human Wizard
Whenever you cast a creature spell, put X 1/1 black Thrull creature tokens onto the battlefield, where X is that spell’s converted mana cost.
When you control seven or more Thrulls, sacrifice EndrekSahr, Master Breeder.

* The second ability is a state trigger. Once it triggers, it won’t trigger again as long as the ability is on the stack. If the ability is countered and the trigger condition is still true, it will immediately trigger again.

* Once the second ability triggers, EndrekSahr will be sacrificed no matter how many Thrulls you control before the ability resolves, even if it’s less than seven.

* Face-down creature spells have a converted mana cost of 0.

Ghost Council of Orzhova
Legendary Creature — Spirit
When Ghost Council of Orzhova enters the battlefield, target opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
{1}, Sacrifice a creature: Exile Ghost Council of Orzhova. Return it to the battlefield under its owner’s control at the beginning of the next end step.

* If there are no legal targets for Ghost Council of Orzhova’s first ability (perhaps because all your opponents have hexproof), then it will be removed from the stack and have no effect.You won’t gain 1 life.

* Sacrificing Ghost Council of Orzhova to activate its own ability means it will wind up in the graveyard, not exiled.

* When Ghost Council of Orzhova is exiled, any Auras or Equipment on it become unattached and any counters on it are removed. When it returns to the battlefield, it comes back untapped and is treated as a new permanent with no connection to the last time it was on the battlefield.

* If Ghost Council of Orzhova’s last ability exiles it during an end step, Ghost Council of Orzhova will return to the battlefield at the beginning of the next turn’s end step.

Glassdust Hulk
Artifact Creature — Golem
Whenever another artifact enters the battlefield under your control, Glassdust Hulk gets +1/+1 until end of turn and can’t be blocked this turn.
Cycling {W/U} ({W/U}, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

* Having an artifact enter the battlefield under your control after Glassdust Hulk has been blocked won’t change or undo that block.

Glint Hawk Idol
Whenever another artifact enters the battlefield under your control, you may have Glint Hawk Idol become a 2/2 Bird artifact creature with flying until end of turn.
{W}: Glint Hawk Idol becomes a 2/2 Bird artifact creature with flying until end of turn.

* Having either ability resolve while Glint Hawk Idol is a creature will override any effects that set its power and/or toughness to another number, but effects that modify power and/or toughness without directly setting them will still apply.

* For example, say you activate the last ability of Glint Hawk Idol. After it resolves, you cast Giant Growth targeting it. It’s now 5/5. Then Diminish (“Target creature has base power and toughness 1/1 until end of turn”) is cast targeting it. Once Diminish resolves, Glint Hawk Idol will be 4/4. Activating itslast ability a second time will make it 5/5 again until end of turn.

Grim Affliction
Put a -1/-1 counter on target creature, then proliferate. (You choose any number of permanents and/or players with counters on them, then give each another counter of a kind already there.)

* If the creature becomes an illegal target before Grim Affliction resolves, Grim Affliction will be countered and none of its effects will happen. You won’t proliferate.

Creature — Elemental Incarnation
Guile can’t be blocked except by three or more creatures.
If a spell or ability you control would counter a spell, instead exile that spell and you may play that card without paying its mana cost.
When Guile is put into a graveyard from anywhere, shuffle it into its owner’s library.

* If one or more of the creatures blocking Guile stop blocking it for any reason, it won’t change that Guile was blocked.

* Guile’s second ability replaces countering a spell with exiling it and the chance to cast itimmediately without paying its mana cost. If you choose not to cast it as this ability resolves (or can’t, perhaps because there are no legal targets available), it remains exiled. If the spell or ability that tried to counter the spell has additional effects, it then continues to resolve.

* Because you’re already casting the spell using an alternative cost (by casting it without paying its mana cost), you can’t pay any other alternative costs for the card, including casting it face down using the morph ability. You can pay additional costs, such as kicker costs. If the card has any mandatory additional costs, you must pay those.

* If the exiled card has {X} in its mana cost, you must choose 0 as the value for X when casting it.

* If a spell or ability you control tries to counter a spell that can’t be countered, it doesn’t. Since the spell wouldn’t be countered, Guile’s ability has no effect on it. The spell will continue to resolve normally.

* The last ability triggers when Guile is put into its owner’s graveyard from any zone, not just from the battlefield. That ability triggers from the graveyard. For example, if Guile is manifested and then dies, its last ability will trigger.

* If Guile leaves the graveyard before its last ability resolves, the library isn’t shuffled.

Hellkite Charger
Creature — Dragon
Flying, haste
Whenever Hellkite Charger attacks, you may pay {5}{R}{R}. If you do, untap all attacking creatures and after this phase, there is an additional combat phase.

* You decide whether to pay {5}{R}{R} as Hellkite Charger’s ability resolves. You may do this only once per ability.

* If you pay {5}{R}{R}, the new combat phase immediately follows the current combat phase. There is no main phase in between.

* Hellkite Charger’s ability may trigger multiple times in the same turn, since its own ability gives it multiple chances to attack. Each time it resolves, you may create an additional combat phase.

* If two Hellkite Chargers attack at the same time, both of their abilities trigger. If you pay {5}{R}{R} for each, two new combat phases will be created. However, all attacking creatures untap as those abilities resolve, not as the combat phases start. Any creature that attacks in the second combat phase will remain tapped during the third combat phase.

Hikari, Twilight Guardian
Legendary Creature — Spirit
Whenever you cast a Spirit or Arcane spell, you may exile Hikari, Twilight Guardian. If you do, return it to the battlefield under its owner’s control at the beginning of the next end step.

* Hikari’s ability will resolve before the Spirit or Arcane spell that caused it to trigger.

* If Hikari’s ability exiles it during an end step, it will return to the battlefield at the beginning of the next turn’s end step.

Horde of Notions
Legendary Creature — Elemental
Vigilance, trample, haste
{W}{U}{B}{R}{G}: You may play target Elemental card from your graveyard without paying its mana cost.

* If you cast an Elemental card using Horde of Notions’s last ability, you can’t pay any other alternative costs for the card, including evoke costs. You can pay additional costs, such as kicker costs. If the card has any mandatory additional costs, you must pay those.

* If the card has {X} in its mana cost, you must choose 0 as the value for X when casting it.

Hurkyl’s Recall
Return all artifacts target player owns to his or her hand.

* Hurkyl’s Recall will return each artifact on the battlefield owned by the target player to his or her hand no matter who controls each of them.

* None of the artifacts are targets of Hurkyl’s Recall. For example, an artifact with hexproof may be returned to its owner’s hand this way.

Inexorable Tide
Whenever you cast a spell, proliferate. (You choose any number of permanents and/or players with counters on them, then give each another counter of a kind already there.)

* Whenever you cast a spell, Inexorable Tide’s ability triggers and goes on the stack on top of it. That ability will resolve (and you’ll proliferate) before the spell resolves.

Inner-Flame Igniter
Creature — Elemental Warrior
{2}{R}: Creatures you control get +1/+0 until end of turn. If this is the third time this ability has resolved this turn, creatures you control gain first strike until end of turn.

* When the ability resolves, it counts the number of times the same ability from the samecreature has already resolved that turn. It doesn’t matter who controlled the creature or the previous abilities when they resolved. A copy of this ability that’s resolved (such as one created by Rings of Brighthearth) will count toward the total. Abilities from other creatures with the same name won’t count towards the total. Abilities that were countered or otherwise removed from the stack won’t count. Abilities still on the stack also won’t count.

Iona, Shield of Emeria
Legendary Creature — Angel
As Iona, Shield of Emeria enters the battlefield, choose a color.
Your opponents can’t cast spells of the chosen color.

* Iona’s third ability includes permanent spells (artifacts, creatures, enchantments, and planeswalkers), not just instant and sorcery spells. It doesn’t affect lands or abilities of permanents of the chosen color.

* Once the color is chosen, it’s too late for opponents to respond by casting spells of that color. For example, there’s no way for an opponent to destroy Iona, Shield of Emeriaby casting Doom Blade if the chosen color is black.

Karn Liberated
Planeswalker — Karn
+4: Target player exiles a card from his or her hand.
−3: Exile target permanent.
−14: Restart the game, leaving in exile all non-Aura permanent cards exiled with Karn Liberated. Then put those cards onto the battlefield under your control.

* Karn’s first and third abilities are linked. Similarly, Karn’s second and third abilities are linked. Only cards exiled by either of Karn’s first two abilities will remain in exile when the game restarts.

* To restart a game with Karn’s third ability, immediately end the current game. The players in that game then immediately begin a new game. No player wins, loses, or draws the original game as a result of Karn’sthird ability.

* In a multiplayer game (a game that started with three or more players in it), any player that left the game before it was restarted with Karn’sthird ability won’t be involved in the new game.

* The player who controlled the ability that restarted the game is the starting player in the new game. The new game starts like a game normally does:
• Each player shuffles his or her deck (except the cards left in exile by Karn’s ability).
• Each player’s life total becomes 20 (or the starting life total for whatever format you’re playing).
• Each player draws a hand of seven cards. Players may take mulligans.
• Players may take actions based on cards in their opening hands, such as Chancellors and Leylines.

* After the start-of-game procedure is complete, but before the new game’s first turn, Karn’s third ability finishes resolving and the cards left in exile are put onto the battlefield. If this causes any triggered abilities to trigger, those abilities are put onto the stack at the beginning of the first upkeep step.

* Creatures put onto the battlefield due to Karn’s third ability will have been under their controller’s control continuously since the beginning of the first turn. They can attack and their activated abilities with {T} in the cost can be activated that turn.

* Any permanents put onto the battlefield with Karn’sthird ability that entered the battlefield tapped will untap during their controller’s first untap step.

* No actions taken in the game that was restarted apply to the new game. For example, if you were dealt damage by Stigma Lasher in the original game, the effect that states you can’t gain life doesn’t carry over to the new game.

* Players won’t have any poison counters or emblems they had in the original game.

* In a Commander game, players put their commanders into the command zone before shuffling their decks.

* The number of times a player has cast his or her commander from the command zone resets to zero. Also, the amount of combat damage dealt to players by each commander is reset to 0.

* If a player’s commander was exiled with Karn and the game restarted, that commander won’t be put into the command zone at the beginning of the game. It will be put onto the battlefield when Karn’s third ability finishes resolving. It remains its owner’s commander.

* In a multiplayer game using the limited range of influence option, all players are affected and will restart the game, not just those within the range of influence of the ability’s controller.

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
Legendary Creature — Goblin Shaman
{T}: Put a token that’s a copy of target nonlegendary creature you control onto the battlefield. That token has haste. Sacrifice it at the beginning of the next end step.

* The token copies exactly what was printed on the original creature and nothing else (unless that creatureis copying something else or is a token; see below), plus it has haste. It doesn’t copy whether that creature is tapped or untapped, whether it has any counters on it or Auras and Equipment attached to it, or whether it’s been affected by any non-copy effects that have changed its power, toughness, types, color, and so on.

* If the copied creature has {X} in its mana cost (such as Apocalypse Hydra), X is 0.

* If the copied creature is copying something else when the ability resolves (for example, if the copied creature is a Clone), then the token enters the battlefield as a copy of whatever that creature is copying, plus it has haste.

* If the copied creature is a token, the token created by Kiki-Jiki’s ability copies the original characteristics of that token as stated by the effect that put it onto the battlefield, plus it has haste.

* Any enters-the-battlefield abilities of the copied creature will trigger when the token is put onto the battlefield. Any “as [this creature] enters the battlefield” or “[this creature] enters the battlefield with” abilities of the copied creature will also work.(Note that the token wasn’t cast, so if it’s a copy of a creature with sunburst, it won’t enter with +1/+1 counters.)

* The token will not be kicked, even if the creature it’s copying was.

* The token is sacrificed at the beginning of the next end step regardless of who controls it at that time.

* If Kiki-Jiki’sactivated ability resolves during a turn’s end step, the token will be sacrificed at the beginning of the next turn’s end step.

* If the token isn’t sacrificed following the delayed triggered ability being placed on the stack (due to Voidslime, perhaps), it remains on the battlefield indefinitely. It continues to have haste.

* If another creature becomes or enters the battlefield as a copy of the token, that creature will have haste, but you won’t sacrifice it. However, if Kiki-Jiki’s ability creates multiple tokens copying a single creature due to a replacement effect (like the one Doubling Season creates), you’ll sacrifice each of them.

Leyline of Sanctity
If Leyline of Sanctity is in your opening hand, you may begin the game with it on the battlefield.
You have hexproof. (You can’t be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)

* Your “opening hand” is the hand of cards you decide to start the game with after taking any mulligans.

* After all players have kept their opening hands, if the starting player has any Leylines in his or her hand, he or she may put any or all of them onto the battlefield. Then each other player in turn order may do the same.

* Leylines that start the game on the battlefield aren’t cast as spells. They can’t be countered.

* After each player has exercised his or her option to put Leylines onto the battlefield, the first turn of the game begins.

Lodestone Golem
Artifact Creature — Golem
Nonartifact spells cost {1} more to cast.

* The ability affects the total cost of each nonartifact spell, but it doesn’t change that spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost. The extra mana also doesn’t change how many times you kicked the spell or what the value of X is (if applicable).

* When determining a spell’s total cost, effects that increase the cost are applied before effects that reduce the cost.

Lodestone Myr
Artifact Creature — Myr
Tap an untapped artifact you control: Lodestone Myr gets +1/+1 until end of turn.

* Because the cost of Lodestone Myr’s activated ability doesn’t include the {T} symbol, you may tap any untapped artifact creature you control, including one you haven’t controlled continuously since your most recent turn began. Notably, you can tap Lodestone Myr to activate the ability on the same turn Lodestone Myr entered the battlefield.

Long-Forgotten Gohei
Arcane spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.
Spirit creatures you control get +1/+1.

* The ability affects the total cost of each Arcane spell, but it doesn’t change that spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost.

* When determining a spell’s total cost, effects that increase the cost are applied before effects that reduce the cost.

Matca Rioters
Creature — Human Warrior
Domain — MatcaRioters’s power and toughness are each equal to the number of basic land types among lands you control.

* The ability that defines MatcaRioters’spower and toughness works in all zones, not just the battlefield.

* The number of basic land types among lands you control is between zero and five, depending on if you control a Plains, an Island, a Swamp, a Mountain, and/or a Forest. It doesn’t matter how many lands of each type you control, as long as you control at least one.

* Some nonbasic lands have basic land types. For example, if you control a Hallowed Fountain (a Plains Island), a Mountain, and a Forest, Matca Rioters will be 4/4.

Mirror Entity
Creature — Shapeshifter
Changeling (This card is every creature type at all times.)
{X}: Until end of turn, creatures you control have base power and toughness X/X and gain all creature types.

* Creatures that enter the battlefield or come under your control after Mirror Entity’s ability resolves won’t be affected.

* Mirror Entity’s ability overwrites all previous effects that set the creatures’ base power and toughness to specific values. Any power- or toughness-setting effects that start to apply after the ability resolves will overwrite this effect.

* Effects that modify the power and/or toughness of creatures you control, such as the effect of Glorious Anthem, will apply to the creatures no matter when they started to take effect. The same is true for any counters that change their power and/or toughness and effects that switch power and toughness.

Mox Opal
Legendary Artifact
Metalcraft — {T}: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Activate this ability only if you control three or more artifacts.

* If you control a Mox Opal and a second artifact, and then another Mox Opal comes under your control, the “legend rule” will cause you to put one of the Mox Opals into its owner’s graveyard before you can activate the mana ability of either one.

Creature — Human Artificer
Whenever you cast an artifact spell, you may pay {1}. If you do, put a 1/1 colorless Myr artifact creature token onto the battlefield.

* You choose whether to pay {1} as the triggered ability resolves. You may do this only once per ability to create one Myr token.

Mystic Snake
Creature — Snake
When Mystic Snake enters the battlefield, counter target spell.

* You can cast Mystic Snake even if there are no other spells on the stack. If there aren’t any spells on the stack when Mystic Snake enters the battlefield, the triggered ability will be removed from the stack and have no effect.

Enchantment — Aura
Enchant creature
At the beginning of each upkeep, if enchanted creature is untapped, tap it.

* Narcolepsy’s triggered ability has an “intervening ‘if’ clause.” That means the ability triggers only if the enchanted creature is untapped as any player’s upkeep begins, andthe ability does nothing if the enchanted creature is already tapped by the time it resolves.

* Narcolepsy doesn’t keep the enchanted creature continually tapped. The creature untaps during its controller’s untap step as normal, then is tapped when Narcolepsy’s ability resolves during that upkeep. The creature may be tapped in response (for example, if it has an activated ability with {T} in its cost).

{2}: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. Put a 1/1 green Saproling creature token onto the battlefield.

* If the target card is removed from the graveyard before the ability resolves, the ability is countered and none of its effects will happen. You won’t get a Saproling token.

Creature — Elemental
Wither (This deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters.)
Whenever a creature an opponent controls with a -1/-1 counter on it dies, you may return that card to the battlefield under your control.

* It doesn’t matter whose graveyard the creature is put into. It matters only that an opponent controlled it when it died.

* It doesn’t matter how many -1/-1 counters were on the creature when it was put into a graveyard from the battlefield, as long as it had at least one.

* If a creature that has +1/+1 counters on it dies following the addition of -1/-1 counters due to having lethal damage or toughness equal to or less than 0, it will return to the battlefield under your control. That’s because Necroskitter’s triggered ability checks the creature’s existence just before it leaves the battlefield, and it still has all those counters on it at that point.

* The card returns to the battlefield without any -1/-1 counters on it (unless another effect causes it to enter the battlefield with some).

Nobilis of War
Creature — Spirit Avatar
Attacking creatures you control get +2/+0.

* The last ability is a static ability. Your creatures will get +2/+0 from the moment they’re declared as attackers (or enter the battlefield attacking) until the moment the combat phase ends, they’re removed from combat, or Nobilis of War leaves the battlefield, whichever comes first.

Novijen Sages
Creature — Human Advisor Mutant
Graft 4 (This creature enters the battlefield with four +1/+1 counters on it. Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may move a +1/+1 counter from this creature onto it.)
{1}, Remove two +1/+1 counters from among creatures you control: Draw a card.

* To activate the activated ability, either remove two +1/+1 counters from a single creature you control or remove one +1/+1 counter from each of two different creatures you control.

Oblivion Ring
When Oblivion Ring enters the battlefield, exile another target nonland permanent.
When Oblivion Ring leaves the battlefield, return the exiled card to the battlefield under its owner’s control.

* If Oblivion Ring leaves the battlefield before its first ability has resolved, its second ability will trigger and do nothing. Then its first ability will resolve and exile the targeted nonland permanent indefinitely. (Note that Oblivion Ring’s abilitieswork differently from more recent abilities such as the one Banisher Priest has.)

* If the exiled card is an Aura, that card’s owner chooses what it will enchant as it comes back onto the battlefield. An Aura put onto the battlefield this way doesn’t target anything, but the Aura’s enchant ability restricts what it can be attached to. If the Aura can’t legally be attached to anything, it remains exiled.

* Auras attached to the exiled permanent will be put into their owners’ graveyards. Equipment attached to the exiled permanent will become unattached and remain on the battlefield. Any counters on the exiled permanent will cease to exist.

* If there are no nonland permanents on the battlefield other than an Oblivion Ring, and the card it exiled was another Oblivion Ring, casting a third Oblivion Ring will result in an involuntary infinite loop that will end the game in a draw (unless someone chooses to break it by putting another nonland permanent onto the battlefield or destroying one of the Oblivion Rings, for example).

Otherworldly Journey
Instant — Arcane
Exile target creature. At the beginning of the next end step, return that card to the battlefield under its owner’s control with a +1/+1 counter on it.

* The creature returns to the battlefield as a new creature, with one +1/+1 counter on it (plus any other counters that it would normally enter the battlefield with).

* Auras attached to the exiled permanent will be put into their owners’ graveyards. Equipment attached to the exiled permanent will become unattached and remain on the battlefield. Any counters on the exiled permanent will cease to exist.

* If Otherworldly Journey resolves during an end step, the creature will return to the battlefield at the beginning of the next turn’s end step.

Overwhelming Stampede
Until end of turn, creatures you control gain trample and get +X/+X, where X is the greatest power among creatures you control.

* Check the power of creatures you control as Overwhelming Stampede resolves to determine the value of X.

* If the greatest power among creatures you control is a negative number, creatures you control will lose power and toughness. For example, if you control two creatures that are -2/3 and -3/1 as Overwhelming Stampede resolves, those creatures will get -2/-2 until end of turn.

Pillory of the Sleepless
Enchantment — Aura
Enchant creature
Enchanted creature can’t attack or block.
Enchanted creature has “At the beginning of your upkeep, you lose 1 life.”

* The enchanted creature gains the triggered ability, and its controller is the one who loses life.

Precursor Golem
Artifact Creature — Golem
When Precursor Golem enters the battlefield, put two 3/3 colorless Golem artifact creature tokens onto the battlefield.
Whenever a player casts an instant or sorcery spell that targets only a single Golem, that player copies that spell for each other Golem that spell could target. Each copy targets a different one of those Golems.

* The second ability triggers whenever a player casts an instant or sorcery spell that targets only one Golem. That Golem can be Precursor Golem itself, one of the Golem tokens it created, or any other Golem. It doesn’t matter who controls the Golem.

* If an instant or sorcery spell has multiple targets, but it’s targeting the same Golem with all of them (such as Agony Warp targeting the same Golem twice), Precursor Golem’s last ability will trigger.

* Any Golem that couldn’t be targeted by the original spell (due to shroud, protection abilities, targeting restrictions, or any other reason) is just ignored by Precursor Golem’s second ability.

* The controller of the spell that caused Precursor Golem’s second ability to trigger also controls all the copies. That player chooses the order the copies are put onto the stack. The original spell will already be on the stack beneath those copies and will resolve last.

* The copies that Precursor Golem’s second ability creates are created on the stack, so they’re not “cast.” Abilities that trigger when a player casts a spell (like Precursor Golem’s second ability itself) won’t trigger.

* If the spell that’s copied is modal (that is, it says “Choose one —” or the like), the copies will have the same mode. Their controller can’t choose a different one.

* If the spell that’s copied has an X whose value was determined as it was cast (like Banefiredoes), the copies have the same value of X.

* The controller of a copy can’t choose to pay any additional costs for the copy. However, effects based on any additional costs that were paid for the original spell are copied as though those same costs were paid for the copy too. For example, the copies can’t be kicked if the original spell wasn’t, but if the original spell was kicked, the copies will be as well.

Profane Command
Choose two —
• Target player loses X life.
• Return target creature card with converted mana cost X or less from your graveyard to the battlefield.
• Target creature gets -X/-X until end of turn.
• Up to X target creatures gain fear until end of turn.

* You choose both modes as you cast Profane Command. You must choose two different modes.

* If some (but not all) of Profane Command’s targets become illegal before Profane Command resolves, it will have no effect on those illegal targets. Profane Command will resolve as normal with respect to the remaining legal targets.

Root-Kin Ally
Creature — Elemental Warrior
Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature’s color.)
Tap two untapped creatures you control: Root-Kin Ally gets +2/+2 until end of turn.

* Because the cost of Root-Kin Ally’s activated ability doesn’t include the {T} symbol, you may tap any two creatures you control, including ones you haven’t controlled continuously since your most recent turn began. Notably, you can tap Root-Kin Ally and another creature you control to activate the ability on the same turn Root-Kin Ally entered the battlefield.

Rusted Relic
Metalcraft — Rusted Relic is a 5/5 Golem artifact creature as long as you control three or more artifacts.

* If you control three or more artifacts at the time Rusted Relic enters the battlefield (including Rusted Relic itself), any abilities that trigger whenever a creature enters the battlefield will trigger.

* Whether or not Rusted Relic can attack depends on how long the permanent itself has been under your control, not how long it’s been a creature. Specifically, if you’ve controlled Rusted Relic continuously since the beginning of your turn, and Rusted Relic becomes a creature that turn, it can attack.

* If Rusted Relic stops being a creature during combat (because you lose control of one or more artifacts, perhaps), it is removed from combat and will not deal or be dealt combat damage. Creatures it was blocking remain blocked. If Rusted Relic was attacking, it will remain tapped. It won’t reenter that combat, even if you wind up controlling three or more artifacts again during that combat phase.

Scion of the Wild
Creature — Avatar
Scion of the Wild’s power and toughness are each equal to the number of creatures you control.

* The ability that defines Scion of the Wild’s power and toughness works in all zones, not just the battlefield. If Scion of the Wild is on the battlefield, the ability will count Scion of the Wild itself.

Scute Mob
Creature — Insect
At the beginning of your upkeep, if you control five or more lands, put four +1/+1 counters on Scute Mob.

* Scute Mob’s ability has an “intervening ‘if’ clause.” That means the ability won’t trigger at all unless you control five or more lands as your upkeep starts, and the ability will do nothing if you control fewer than five lands by the time it resolves.

Shrewd Hatchling
Creature — Elemental
Shrewd Hatchling enters the battlefield with four -1/-1 counters on it.
{U/R}: Target creature can’t block Shrewd Hatchling this turn.
Whenever you cast a blue spell, remove a -1/-1 counter from Shrewd Hatchling.
Whenever you cast a red spell, remove a -1/-1 counter from Shrewd Hatchling.

* Activating Shrewd Hatchling’s ability after it’s been legally blocked won’t change or undo that block.

* If you cast a spell that’s both blue and red, both abilities will trigger. You’ll remove a total of two -1/-1 counters from Shrewd Hatchling.

* If there are no -1/-1 counters on it when the triggered ability resolves, the ability does nothing. There is no penalty for not being able to remove a counter.

Sigil Blessing
Until end of turn, target creature you control gets +3/+3 and other creatures you control get +1/+1.

* If the target creature becomes an illegal target before Sigil Blessing resolves, Sigil Blessing will be countered and none of its effects will happen. Your other creatures won’t get +1/+1.

* Sigil Blessing targets only one creature. Other creatures you control aren’t targets of the spell, and they’ll still get +1/+1 even if they couldn’t be a legal target for Sigil Blessing (perhaps because they have protection from green or white).

Skarrgan Firebird
Creature — Phoenix
Bloodthirst 3 (If an opponent was dealt damage this turn, this creature enters the battlefield with three +1/+1 counters on it.)
{R}{R}{R}: Return Skarrgan Firebird from your graveyard to your hand. Activate this ability only if an opponent was dealt damage this turn.

* You can activate Skarrgan Firebird’s last ability if an opponent was dealt damage by any source, even if you didn’t control that source.

Smash to Smithereens
Destroy target artifact. Smash to Smithereens deals 3 damage to that artifact’s controller.

* If the artifact becomes an illegal target before Smash to Smithereens resolves, Smash to Smithereens will be countered and none of its effects will happen. No damage will be dealt.

Creature — Elemental Shaman
{T}: Add two mana in any combination of colors to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast Elemental spells or activate abilities of Elementals.

* The mana can be two mana of the same color, or one mana of each of two different colors. It can’t be colorless.

* You can spend the mana to pay an alternative cost (such as evoke) or an additional cost incurred while casting an Elemental spell. It’s not limited to just that spell’s mana cost.

* You can’t spend the mana to activate abilities of Elemental sources that aren’t on the battlefield.

Creature — Elemental Shaman
{2}: Target creature gains trample until end of turn. If this is the third time this ability has resolved this turn, you may add {R}{R}{R}{R}{R}{R}{R}{R} to your mana pool.

* SoulbrightFlamekin’s ability isn’t a mana ability. It uses the stack and can be responded to.

* When the ability resolves, it counts the number of times the same ability from the samecreature has already resolved that turn. It doesn’t matter who controlled the creature or the previous abilities when they resolved. A copy of this ability that’s resolved (such as one created by Rings of Brighthearth) will count toward the total. Abilities from other creatures with the same name won’t count towards the total. Abilities that were countered or otherwise removed from the stack won’t count. Abilities still on the stack also won’t count.

* The ability may produce manaonly the third time it resolves each turn. It won’t produce mana the fourth time, the fifth time, the sixth time, and so on.

Artifact Creature — Horror
{U/P}: Change a target of target spell or ability to Spellskite. ({U/P} can be paid with either {U} or 2 life.)

* You can activate Spellskite’s ability even if Spellskite wouldn’t be a legal target for the spell or ability.However, the target of that spell or ability will remain unchanged. You can also activate Spellskite’s ability and target a spell or ability with no targets, even though it won’t have any effect.

* If changing one target of a spell or ability to Spellskite would make other targets of that spell or ability illegal, the targets remain unchanged.

* If the spell or ability has multiple instances of the word “target,” you choose which target you’re changing to Spellskite when Spellskite’s ability resolves.

* By activating Spellskite’s ability multiple times, you can change each target of a spell or ability with multiple instances of the word “target” to Spellskite, one at a time.

* The target of the spell or ability won’t change unless Spellskite fulfills all the targeting criteria, even if multiple instances of the word “target” are used. For example, you can’t change both targets of Arc Trail to Spellskite.

* If a spell or ability has multiple targets but doesn’t use the word “target” multiple times, such as Fulgent Distraction, you can only successfully change one of the targets to Spellskite.

* If a spell or ability has a variable number of targets, you can’t change the number of targets.

* If Spellskite leaves the battlefield before its ability resolves, the targets remain unchanged.

Spikeshot Elder
Creature — Goblin Shaman
{1}{R}{R}: Spikeshot Elder deals damage equal to its power to target creature or player.

* How much damage Spikeshot Elder deals as a result of its ability is determined by its power as that ability resolves. If Spikeshot Elder is no longer on the battlefield at that time, its last existence on the battlefield is checked to determine its power.

Splinter Twin
Enchantment — Aura
Enchant creature
Enchanted creature has “{T}: Put a token that’s a copy of this creature onto the battlefield. That token has haste. Exile it at the beginning of the next end step.”

* Splinter Twin grants an activated ability to the enchanted creature. That creature’s controller (who is not necessarily the Aura’s controller) can activate it. The creature’s controller is the player who gets the token.

* The token copies exactly what’s printed on the enchanted creature (unless that creature is copying something else or it’s a token; see below), plus it has haste. It doesn’t copy whether the enchanted creature is tapped or untapped, whether it has any counters on it or Auras and Equipment attached to it, or whether it’s been affected by any non-copy effects that changed its power, toughness, types, color, andso on. In particular, it doesn’t copy the ability granted to the enchanted creature by Splinter Twin.

* If the enchanted creature has {X} in its mana cost (for instance, if it’sApocalypse Hydra), X is 0.

* If the enchanted creature is copying something else when the ability resolves(for example, if the copied creature is a Clone), then the token enters the battlefield as a copy of whatever the enchanted creature is copying, plus it has haste.

* If the enchanted creature is a token, the new token copies the original characteristics of the token as stated by the effect that put it onto the battlefield, plus it has haste.

* Any enters-the-battlefield abilities of the enchanted creature will trigger when the token is put onto the battlefield. Any “as [this creature] enters the battlefield” or “[this creature] enters the battlefield with” abilities of the enchanted creature will also work. (Note that the token wasn’t cast, so if it’s a copy of a creature with sunburst, it won’t enter with +1/+1 counters.)

* The token will not be kicked, even if the creature it’s copying was.

* If you activate the ability and the enchanted creature leaves the battlefield before the ability resolves, you still get a token. The enchanted creature’s last existence on the battlefield is checked to see what it was (specifically, if it was itself or if it was copying something else).

* The token is exiled at the beginning of the next end step regardless of who controls it at that time, or whether Splinter Twin or the enchanted creature is still on the battlefield at that time.

* If the ability resolves during a turn’s end step, the token will be exiled at the beginning of the nextturn’s end step.

* If the token isn’t exiled following the delayed triggered ability being placed on the stack (due to Voidslime, perhaps), it remains on the battlefield indefinitely. It continues to have haste.

* If another creature becomes or enters the battlefield as a copy of the token, that creature will have haste, but you won’t exile it. However, if the ability Splinter Twin grants the enchanted creature creates multiple tokens copying a single creature due to a replacement effect (like the one Doubling Season creates), you’ll exile each of them.

Spread the Sickness
Destroy target creature, then proliferate. (You choose any number of permanents and/or players with counters on them, then give each another counter of a kind already there.)

* If the creature becomes an illegal target before Spread the Sickness resolves, Spread the Sickness will be countered and none of its effects will happen. You won’t proliferate.

* If Spread the Sickness resolves but the creature isn’t destroyed (perhaps because it regenerated or has indestructible), you will proliferate.

Stoic Rebuttal
Metalcraft — Stoic Rebuttal costs {1} less to cast if you control three or more artifacts.
Counter target spell.

* For the purpose of determining whether the cost reduction applies, the number of artifacts you control is checked as you cast Stoic Rebuttal, before you can activate mana abilities to pay for it. For example, if you control three artifacts, you could determine that Stoic Rebuttal costs {U}{U} to cast, then sacrifice one of those artifacts to activate a mana ability.

Artifact — Equipment
Equipped creature gets +4/+0.
{R}{W}, UnattachSunforger: Search your library for a red or white instant card with converted mana cost 4 or less and cast that card without paying its mana cost. Then shuffle your library.
Equip {3}

* You can’t activate the ability that lets you search for an instant card unless Sunforger is attached to a creature.

* The card you find must be legal to cast. For example, you must be able to choose a legal target for it if required. If you can’t find such a card, or choose not to, you simply shuffle your library.

* The card is cast from your library. In some unusual cases, the order of your library may be relevant as you cast it. For example, if there’s an additional cost to cast the spell (such as a kicker cost), the order or contents of your library could change while activating mana abilities. In these cases, you must maintain the order of your library as you search it.

* If there’s an {X} in the mana cost of the card, you must choose 0 as the value of X.

* To cast a split card using Sunforger’s ability, at least one of its halves must be a red or white instant, and at least one of its halves must have converted mana cost 4 or less, but these two halves don’t necessarily have to be the same. You choose which half you’re casting as you cast the spell. For example, you can cast either half of Research/Development, as Research has converted mana cost 2 (even though Development has converted mana cost 5) and Development is red (even though Research is neither red nor white).

Surgical Extraction
({B/P} can be paid with either {B} or 2 life.)
Choose target card in a graveyard other than a basic land card. Search its owner’s graveyard, hand, and library for any number of cards with the same name as that card and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or her library.

* You may choose to leave any cards with the same name as the target card, including the target card itself, in the zones they’re in.

Creature — Surrakar
Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, you may put a charge counter on SurrakarSpellblade.
Whenever SurrakarSpellblade deals combat damage to a player, you may draw X cards, where X is the number of charge counters on it.

* When SurrakarSpellblade’s second ability resolves, you either draw a card for each charge counter on it or you draw no cards at all.

* If SurrakarSpellblade isn’t on the battlefield as its second ability resolves, use the number of charge counters on it when it left the battlefield to determine the value of X.

Swans of Bryn Argoll
Creature — Bird Spirit
If a source would deal damage to Swans of Bryn Argoll, prevent that damage. The source’s controller draws cards equal to the damage prevented this way.

* Spells that deal damage specify the source of that damage. It’s often the spell itself, but it could also be a creature, particularly if that spell causes a creature to fight Swans of Bryn Argoll. Similarly, abilities that deal damage will specify the source of that damage, although the source will never be the ability itself. The source of the ability is usually the source of the damage. The source of combat damage is the creature that deals it.

* If the source of the damage is a permanent, Swans of Bryn Argoll checks who that permanent’s controller is at the time the damage is prevented. If the permanent has left the battlefield by then, its last known controller is used. If the source is a card from another zone (such as a cycled Jund Sojourners), Swans of Bryn Argoll checks its owner rather than its controller.

* If a creature with wither or infect would deal damage to Swans of Bryn Argoll, that damage will be prevented as normal. That creature’s controller will draw cards. Swans of Bryn Argoll won’t have any -1/-1 counters put on it.

Creature — Lhurgoyf
Tarmogoyf’s power is equal to the number of card types among cards in all graveyards and its toughness is equal to that number plus 1.

* Tarmogoyf’s ability works in all zones, not just the battlefield. If Tarmogoyfis in a graveyard, its ability will consider itself.

* The card types that can appear on a card in a graveyard are artifact, creature, enchantment, instant, land, planeswalker, sorcery, and tribal.

* Instants and sorceries are placed in the graveyard as they resolve, before creatures are checked for lethal damage. If a Tarmogoyf is targeted by Lightning Bolt (which deals 3 damage to target creature or player) while a land card and a sorcery card are in the graveyard, upon resolution the Tarmogoyf will take 3 damage, the Lightning Bolt will go to the graveyard, and the Tarmogoyf will become a 3/4 with 3 damage on it prior to the game rules checking it for lethal damage.

Telling Time
Look at the top three cards of your library. Put one of those cards into your hand, one on top of your library, and one on the bottom of your library.

* If there are fewer than three cards in your library, follow the instructions in order for any cards that are there.

Terashi’s Grasp
Sorcery — Arcane
Destroy target artifact or enchantment. You gain life equal to its converted mana cost.

* If the permanent becomes an illegal target before Terashi’s Grasp resolves, Terashi’s Grasp will be countered and none of its effects will happen. You won’t gain life.

Tezzeret the Seeker
Planeswalker — Tezzeret
+1: Untap up to two target artifacts.
−X: Search your library for an artifact card with converted mana cost X or less and put it onto the battlefield. Then shuffle your library.
−5: Artifacts you control become artifact creatures with base power and toughness 5/5 until end of turn.

* The first ability can target zero, one, or two artifacts. You may activate it with no targets just to put a loyalty counter on Tezzeret.

* For the second ability, you choose the value of X when you activate it. You don’t look through your library until the ability resolves. (In other words, you can’t look through your library, decide what artifact card you want, and then determine what X is.) You can’t choose an X that’s greater than the number of loyalty counters on Tezzeret.

* The third ability affects all artifacts you control, including artifacts that are already creatures.

* Artifacts you control affected by the third ability will retain any other types, subtypes, or supertypes they may have.

* Anoncreature permanent that turns into a creature can attack, and its {T} abilities can be activated, only if its controller has continuously controlled that permanent since the beginning of his or her most recent turn.

* If the third abilityaffects an artifact that’s already a creature, that ability overrides all previous effects that set the creature’s power or toughness to specific values. However, effects that set its power or toughness to specific values that start to apply after the third ability resolves will override this effect.

* Effects that modify the power and/or toughness of creatures you control, such as the effect of Glorious Anthem, will apply to the creatures no matter when they started to take effect. The same is true for any counters that change their power and/or toughness and effects that switch power and toughness.

Put a +1/+1 counter on each of X target creatures.

* Each target must be a different creature. You can’t put more than one +1/+1 counter on any one creature using just Thrive.

Tribal Flames
Domain — Tribal Flames deals X damage to target creature or player, where X is the number of basic land types among lands you control.

* X will be a number between 0 and 5, depending on if you control a Plains, an Island, a Swamp, a Mountain, and/or a Forest. It doesn’t matter how many lands of each type you control, as long as you control at least one.

* Some nonbasic lands have basic land types. For example, if you control a Hallowed Fountain (a Plains Island) and a Mountain, X will be 3.

Ulamog’s Crusher
Creature — Eldrazi
Annihilator 2 (Whenever this creature attacks, defending player sacrifices two permanents.)
Ulamog’s Crusher attacks each turn if able.

* If, during your declare attackers step, Ulamog’s Crusher is tapped, is affected by a spell or ability that says it can’t attack, or you haven’t controlled it continuously since the beginning of your turn, then it doesn’t attack. If there’s a cost associated with having Ulamog’s Crusher attack, you aren’t forced to pay that cost, so it doesn’t have to attack in that case either.

* If there are multiple combat phases in a turn, Ulamog’s Crusher must attack in only the first such phase it’s able to.

Vampire Lacerator
Creature — Vampire Warrior
At the beginning of your upkeep, you lose 1 life unless an opponent has 10 or less life.

* You check whether an opponent has 10 or less life as the ability resolves.

Vapor Snag
Return target creature to its owner’s hand. Its controller loses 1 life.

* If the creature becomes an illegal target before Vapor Snag resolves, Vapor Snag will be countered and none of its effects will happen. No one will lose life.

Vengeful Rebirth
Return target card from your graveyard to your hand. If you return a nonland card to your hand this way, Vengeful Rebirth deals damage equal to that card’s converted mana cost to target creature or player.
Exile Vengeful Rebirth.

* You can return a land card to your hand with Vengeful Rebirth. It just won’t deal any damage to the target creature or player if you do.

* If the target creature or player becomes an illegal target before Vengeful Rebirth resolves but the target card in your graveyard doesn’t, Vengeful Rebirth will still return that card from your graveyard to your hand, but it won’t deal any damage. Vengeful Rebirth will then be exiled.

* If the target card in your graveyard becomes an illegal target before Vengeful Rebirth resolves but the target creature or player doesn’t, Vengeful Rebirth won’t return that card to your hand and it won’t deal any damage (because you didn’t return a nonland card to your hand this way). Vengeful Rebirth will still be exiled.

* If both targets become illegal before Vengeful Rebirth resolves, Vengeful Rebirth will be countered and none of its effects will happen. It will go to your graveyard.

Vines of Vastwood
Kicker {G}(You may pay an additional {G} as you cast this spell.)
Target creature can’t be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control this turn. If Vines of Vastwood was kicked, that creature gets +4/+4 until end of turn.

* This is not the same as hexproof. If, for example, you target one of your opponent’s creatures, your opponents won’t be able to target that creature with spells or abilities.

Each player sacrifices four lands. Wildfire deals 4 damage to each creature.

* First the player whose turn it is chooses which lands he or she will sacrifice. Then each other player in turn order chooses his or her lands. Then all those lands are sacrificed at the same time. Then Wildfire deals damage to each creature.

Wilt-Leaf Liege
Creature — Elf Knight
Other green creatures you control get +1/+1.
Other white creatures you control get +1/+1.
If a spell or ability an opponent controls causes you to discard Wilt-Leaf Liege, put it onto the battlefield instead of putting it into your graveyard.

* A creature that’s green and white will benefit from both of the first two abilities and get +2/+2.

* Wilt-Leaf Liege’s last ability doesn’t use the stack and can’t be responded to.

* If you put Wilt-Leaf Liege onto the battlefield using its last ability, you still discarded it for the purposes of any spell or ability that cares about you discarding cards.

Wings of VelisVel
Tribal Instant — Shapeshifter
Changeling (This card is every creature type at all times.)
Until end of turn, target creature has base power and toughness 4/4, gains all creature types, and gains flying.

* Wings of VelisVeloverrides all previous effects that set the creature’s power or toughness to specific values. However, effects that set its power or toughness to specific values that start to apply after Wings of VelisVelresolves will override this effect.

* Effects that modify the power or toughness of the creature, such as the effects of Giant Growth or Glorious Anthem, will apply to it no matter when they started to take effect. The same is true for counters that change the creature’s power or toughness (such as +1/+1 counters) and effects that switch its power and toughness.

Worldheart Phoenix
Creature — Phoenix
You may cast Worldheart Phoenix from your graveyard by paying {W}{U}{B}{R}{G} rather than paying its mana cost. If you do, it enters the battlefield with two +1/+1 counters on it.

* Casting Worldheart Phoenix from your graveyard by paying its alternative cost doesn’t change when you can cast it. Normally, this means during your main phase when the stack is empty.

* If you cast Worldheart Phoenix this way, it is a spell and can be countered.

* As soon as you start to cast Worldheart Phoenix from your graveyard, the card moves onto the stack. At that point, it’s too late for an opponent to try to stop you from casting it by removing it from your graveyard.

Wrap in Flames
Wrap in Flames deals 1 damage to each of up to three target creatures. Those creatures can’t block this turn.

* The “can’t block” effect applies to each of the target creatures— and only those creatures—even if Wrap in Flames deals no damage to one or more of them (due to a prevention effect, for example) or Wrap in Flames deals damage to a different creature (due to a redirection effect).

* If any of the target creatures becomes an illegal target by the time Wrap in Flames resolves, it won’t be dealt damage and will be able to block. The other target creatures will still be affected.

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