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[B&R] Banned & Restricted List (MH3 prebanned in Historic)

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Re: [B&R] Commander Banlist Febbraio 2014

Messaggioda Astaroth » 4 feb '14, 1:54

Si, infatti come veniva detto poc'anzi soluzioni "universali" non esistono e che si possono applicare solo soluzioni locali che vanno analizzate caso per caso...e credo per fortuna, perchè forse si vivrebbe il formato come una sorta di dittatura. D'accordo che T2, Legacy, Modern ed altri formati ci si debba attenere scrupolosamente a quanto stabilisce la Wizard : sono formati inventati, pensati e creati dalla Wizards stessa : "Io creo, io distruggo". Ma l'EDH è un formato cosi' speciale proprio perchè non è nato "dall'alto", ma è stato lo spirito di divertimento dei giocatori a crearlo...per questo mi dispiace, sia che da un lato diventi troppo oppressivo con carte che rovinano la partita il 100% dei casi in cui sono giocate, sia che per controrisposta si debba instaurare un clima proibitivo che limita e danneggia la creatività e il potenziale divertimento sociale per chi gioca in questo formato...
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Iscritto il: 15 giu '13, 4:05

[B&R] Next B&R announcement: 09 March 2020

Messaggioda donChi » 22 set '14, 16:55

Announcement Date: September 22, 2014

Standard, Modern, Legacy, Vintage
No changes

For the complete list of all banned and restricted cards by format, click here.

Next B&R Announcement: January 19, 2015

Ultima modifica di Diablo il 23 apr '15, 3:24, modificato 1 volta in totale.
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Re: [B&R] 22/09/14 DCI Banned & Restricted List - Duel Comma

Messaggioda effelam » 22 set '14, 19:32

Ci sarebbe anche la banlist del Commander multiplayer, di fatto l'unica a subire alcune variazioni:

Braids, Cabal Minion is banned
Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary is banned
Erayo, Soratami Ascendent is banned

Kokusho, the Evening Star is unbanned
Metalworker is unbanned

La fonte è il forum ufficiale della commissione EDH/Commander. Non so se posso aggiungere il link, nel caso sia richiesto lo aggiungo.
Vieni a vedere la rassegna di creature leggendarie del Multiverso!

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[COM] Sydri, Genio Galvanico
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COM: Kraj Sperimentale
[COM] Zurgo Spaccaelmi
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Livello VI
Livello VI
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Iscritto il: 11 gen '13, 18:54

[B&R] 19/01/15 DCI Banned & Restricted List - Duel Commander

Messaggioda donChi » 19 gen '15, 8:47

Announcement Date: January 19, 2015
Effective Date: January 23, 2015
Magic Online Effective Date: January 28, 2015

Dig Through Time, Treasure Cruise, and Birthing Pod are banned.
Golgari Grave-Troll is no longer banned.

Treasure Cruise is banned.
Worldgorger Dragon is no longer banned.

Treasure Cruise is restricted.
Gifts Ungiven is no longer restricted.

The complete list of all banned and restricted cards, by format, is here.

Next B&R Announcement: March 23, 2015


Wizards of the Coast examines tournament results from each competitive Constructed format. When a format becomes imbalanced, we examine the cause. Sometimes, a card-drawing card can be too efficient. The decks that draw cards so efficiently push out many other decks, limiting the field to the strong decks that best use those card drawers and decks that don't play in interactive games with those strong decks. In that case, the best option might be to ban the overly efficient card drawer.
Since Wizards looks to limit the number of cards banned, each format is evaluated on its own merits. The same card might be banned in some formats, and not others, in a way that might appear uneven. That happens because the card is banned in the formats where, in practice, it is problematic.

Here are our changes:

Decks playing the powerful card drawers have been winning a lot, and pushing a lot of other decks down in competitive play. Blue-Red Delver decks, playing efficient creatures, card drawers, burn, and some permission spells have been the most successful. Also, decks focused on more burn, or combination decks using Jeskai Ascendancy, have done well. However, as these decks have occupied a large portion of the competitive metagame, the overall variety of successful decks has been suppressed. It is imbalanced enough that Wizards of the Coast has decided to act. In Modern, these cards are easy replacements for one another—while a Delver deck might use Treasure Cruise over Dig Through Time, banning one but not the other would do little to change the deck. Dig Through Time and Treasure Cruise are banned.
Over the past year, Birthing Pod decks have won significantly more Grand Prix than any other Modern decks and compose the largest percentage of the field. Each year, new powerful options are printed, most recently Siege Rhino. Over time, this creates a growing gap between the strength of the Pod deck and other creature decks. Pod won five of the twelve Grand Prix over the past year, including winning the last two. The high percentage of the field playing Pod suppresses decks, especially other creature decks, that have an unfavorable matchup. In the interest of supporting a diverse format, Birthing Pod is banned.
When cards are banned from a format, Wizards investigates whether there is a banned card that, if not banned, might add new decks to competitive play. We look for cards that are unlikely to add power to existing top decks, but instead add new strategies or augment decks that are not currently as successful. Golgari Grave-Troll is very powerful in a deck based on getting a lot of cards into its graveyard. Replacing a card draw with dredge 6 is a terrific rate. However, that type of deck has not been as successful in Modern tournaments recently. While taking such a card off the banned list has some risks, this is a good time to see what happens. Golgari Grave-Troll is no longer banned.

Blue-Red Delver decks have been so successful at tournament play that they are hurting the diversity of the format. While other decks can have some success, the diversity is significantly less than it had been. Treasure Cruise is banned.
Worldgorger Dragon has a strange and powerful interaction with Animate Dead. This used to be too powerful for Legacy. It is not clear that this is more powerful than animating Griselbrand, and this interaction may add an interesting variant. Worldgorger Dragon is no longer banned.

Again, Blue-Red Delver decks have been so successful at tournament play that they are hurting the diversity of the format. Treasure Cruise is restricted.
Years ago, Gifts Ungiven was dominating Vintage tournament play. However, this has not been the case recently, and the card might invigorate some less-played Vintage decks. Gifts Ungiven is no longer restricted.

Ultima modifica di Diablo il 23 apr '15, 3:20, modificato 1 volta in totale.
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Re: [B&R] 19/01/15 DCI Banned & Restricted List - Duel Comma

Messaggioda Air » 19 gen '15, 18:18

Oh mamma mia che bello scossone al meta...! Se la traversta e scavare nel tempo erano prevedibili, non m'immaginavo POD! Con un solo ban hanno fatto fuori 3 tier belli grossi: pod, kiki-pod e melira-pod.

Vi dirò, sono proprio curioso di vedere quale sarà la reazione... veder tornare delver indietro e l'assenza di POD mi elettrizzano...!
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Livello VII
Livello VII
Messaggi: 438
Iscritto il: 19 nov '14, 11:41

Re: [B&R] 19/01/15 DCI Banned & Restricted List - Duel Comma

Messaggioda Josh » 19 gen '15, 18:22

Cavolo! Che botta! Se il ban di traversata sfarzosa e scavare nel tempo era "immaginabile", non si può dire la stessa cosa di Pod visto che "Se la bannano, distruggono un mazzo" . E così sia, adesso molte carte non vedranno più gioco in seguito al ban di Pod. Che sorpresona!
Standard- Abzan Aggro
Modern- American Midrange e Blue Zoo
EDH- Geist of saint traft Tiny Leaders-Anafenza, the Foremost

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Livello VII
Livello VII
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Iscritto il: 26 dic '12, 20:26
Località: Milano

Re: [B&R] 19/01/15 DCI Banned & Restricted List - Duel Comma

Messaggioda Mikefon » 19 gen '15, 18:45

Non troppo sorpresa visto che ha sempre vinto più di ur delver e anzi ha dominato da sempre. Era il vero mazzo che dominava! Forse tornano i controllo, e di nuovo twin...
Mazzi giocati:
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Livello X
Livello X
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Iscritto il: 9 apr '12, 19:11
Località: Modena

Re: [B&R] 19/01/15 DCI Banned & Restricted List - Duel Comma

Messaggioda lucalda94 » 19 gen '15, 18:57

Junk, jund e bg torneranno a dominare il formato, fine della storia
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Livello IV
Livello IV
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Iscritto il: 3 apr '13, 23:14

Re: [B&R] 19/01/15 DCI Banned & Restricted List - Duel Comma

Messaggioda Zarch » 19 gen '15, 19:10

Domanda da nabbo: ma la banlist del pauper su MTGO viene anche'essa toccata da queste modifiche o è indipendente e fa storia a se?
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Livello IV
Livello IV
Messaggi: 33
Iscritto il: 29 ott '14, 14:58

Re: [B&R] 19/01/15 DCI Banned & Restricted List - Duel Comma

Messaggioda doriano » 19 gen '15, 19:24

un ban che ha demolito troppi tier!!!! non ha senso!!! hanno distrutto in un colpo solo jeskai ascendancy, pod, ru(g) delver!!! e no, non torneranno i control e combo control come twin e scapeshift, visto che sono stati penalizzati anche loro dal ban di dig trough time e visto che stanno tutti e 2 male da bgx, il futuro top tier del formato! sarà come ai vecchi tempi dove il meta sarà composto solo da affo, bgx e tron.... ah ma va già bene che hanno sbannato il troll della tomba golgari, quello sì che darà una scossa al meta!!!! senza senso, e mi lamento io che non aveva nessuno di quei 3/5 mazzi...
"Non farti venire un'idea… fatti venire tutte le idee."
"Rosso di sera, luna insanguinata si spera"

Formati giocati: modern, limited
Devoto ai tier 1.5 e ai mazzi originali! C'è posto per tutti nelle top!
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Livello VII
Livello VII
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Iscritto il: 10 nov '13, 21:44
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