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[Modern Tier] Lantern Control

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Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Magisternox » 12 giu '13, 16:10

Che ne pensate di Nihil Spellbomb come grave hate ? Esilia solo il cimitero dell'oppo , è recuperabile e può anche farci pescare .
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Livello VII
Livello VII
Messaggi: 278
Iscritto il: 12 mag '12, 20:56
Località: Roma

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Monarch XD » 12 giu '13, 17:13

devo dire che all'occorrenza anche etherium sculptor è un una partita in cui non trovavo tezzeret ... qualcosa in + per pescare?
e giocare dimir charm mi ha salavto da una buona pescata per l'oppo finite le ghoull
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Monarch XD
Livello III
Livello III
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Iscritto il: 10 giu '13, 9:43

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Zerodown » 12 giu '13, 19:28


Which list did you test?

Gemstone Mine could be a good option to splash colors as most of the spells are colorless. It could replace Glimmervoid.

I would suggest splashing either red or green for Ancient Stirrings or Faithless Looting, without those it'll be hard to find the lantern fast. Green gives you access to Beast Within but red gives you access to Pyroclasm which is very good for creature control. B/W/g or B/W/r should be fine.


I would go G/R with a splash of B for discard and tutor. U only offers draw spells, but stirrings and lootings are better, W offers Dispatch, but there are other options in red and green for that, like Lightning Bolt.


I think you should cut the Etherium Sculptors. Most of the spells cost 1 mana, why do you need to lower that? I would try your list with these changes:

-1 Ensnaring Bridge
+1 Pithing Needle

-4 Etherium Sculptor (no need to lessen the costs)
-4 Darkslick Shores (Without Sculptor you don't need U)
-1 Dispatch
-1 Hallowed Fountain
+3 Gemstone mine
+3 Pyroclasm (Very good vs aggro, specially affinity)
+3 Faithless Looting (Filters your hand when you don't need something, draws 2 and has flashback for when you run out of gas)

Ancient Stirrings could be a good replacement for Trinket Mage too. Or maybe Mishra's Bauble, that card is very valuable because it helps with metalcraft allowing you to play both lantern and codex on turn 1 a lot of times, it also lets you look at the opponent's top card if you don't have a lantern and it draws you a card. its very versatile.

on the SB:

-1 Trinket Mage
-1 Pithing Needle
-3 Torpor Orb
+3 Welding Jar (Protects vs hate)
+2 Wear/Tear or Disenchant

Let me know if you like any of those suggestions.


I tried relic of progenitus for a while to stop Ancient Grudge and Snapcaster Mage, but Ancient Grudge can be activated in response from the grave and snapcaster can target an instant too. Nihil Spellbomb and Surgical Extraction have the same problem. There really isn't a better card than Grafdigger's Cage in this deck.


With discard the only problem hate cards are Ancient Grudge and maybe Abrupt Decay. The others cost too much and we can discard them easily.


Abrupt Decay is problematic if you can't discard it, but even then it only destroys 1 artifact and the opponent has te chose between bridge or lantern. Whichever they chose, they are still soft-locked and you can get the one they destroyed again very fast.

Thalia isn't a problem because our spells cost 1, we can still power through and easily take it out when appropiate.

Fracturing Gust costs 5 mana, we can discard it before that.

Kataki dies to any removal.

Twin dies to the bridge because the infinite creatures can't attack, and if you don't have a bridge you can respond with Dispatch to kill their target. And you can also make them discard it early.

Pod dies to bridge, removal, needle and cage. pod is not a problem to this deck.

For living end you can try to discard their cascade spells, but the best answer is bridge so their creatures can't attack.

Scapeshift you can discard it and you need to play cage if you can't discard Snapcaster Mage so they can't flashback scapeshift. If the opponent plays Valakut you do need something to kill it, which is why my list has Beast Within.

@Niko47's list

Surgical main is bad, you need to answer early creatures and surgical won't help you.

Boros Charm is also not good because the opponent has no artifact hate mainboard usually, except Jund. If the first ability could hit creatures it would be good.

Path to Exile is bad because it lets your opponent shuffle the top card and gives them a land.

Disenchant is better in the SB too as it doesn't answer the usual problems (creatures).

In place of those I would add Faithless Looting, more Pyroclasm and some discard spells.

If you have color problems try Gemstone MIne.


Nice list hehe.

Gitaxian Probe does nothing for you, you should be better with 4 Faithless Looting, the flashback on it is very useful and filtering your hand to discard what you don't need is always nice.
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Livello II
Livello II
Messaggi: 9
Iscritto il: 8 giu '13, 23:20

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Magisternox » 12 giu '13, 19:39

Parlando con un amico per procurarmi in real le carte miha fatto notare un altra carta che può darci parecchio fastidio : Stony Silence ; questo mi fa valutare sempre di più lo splash verde per beast whithin .
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Livello VII
Livello VII
Messaggi: 278
Iscritto il: 12 mag '12, 20:56
Località: Roma

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda LoA » 12 giu '13, 19:44

Magisternox ha scritto:Parlando con un amico per procurarmi in real le carte miha fatto notare un altra carta che può darci parecchio fastidio : Stony Silence ; questo mi fa valutare sempre di più lo splash verde per beast whithin .

suppongo sia lo stesso discorso di creeping corrosion: size di primo e control della pescata dopo
Rest in Pod <3
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Iscritto il: 9 mag '13, 18:33

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Monarch XD » 12 giu '13, 19:55

questa è la mia lista low budjet :D
this is my low budjet list :D
4 Ghoulcaller's Bell
4 Lantern of Insight
4 Codex Shredder
4 Inquisition of Kozilek
4 Duress
3 Rest in Peace
4 Dispatch
4 Ghostly Prison
2 Isochron Scepter
4 Leyline of Sanctity
4 Island
6 Swamp
10 Plains
2 Black Sun's Zenith
1 White Sun's Zenith

prevalent discard-control
black zenit is ike pyroclasm and white is the finisher ^^
I have mana problem
what do you think about that?

I'm thinking about surgical but it is not really budjet xD
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Monarch XD
Livello III
Livello III
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Iscritto il: 10 giu '13, 9:43

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Mind? » 12 giu '13, 20:43

Si potrebbe dare una chance al caro Firemane Angel, fornisce uno sputo d'aiuto in più contro aggro (aspettando il ponte) e burn.. ma probabilmente sto straparlando :/

Edit: Angel, non Avenger.. Mannaggia a Gatecrash
Il giardino del vicino diventa sempre più verde. Anche il vicino è verde; aiutatelo. La gatta frettolosa fa i gattini nel giardino del re, tanto è cieco. Il re dice: "Sento un rumore di gattini che corrono per il mio prato". Il vicino dice: "Restituiscimi i miei gatti, ladro!".
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Livello III
Livello III
Messaggi: 18
Iscritto il: 9 gen '13, 12:42

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda Serith » 12 giu '13, 21:30


Thx for your answer you analyzed all game situations perfectly, which can give a global idea on how to act when you face some decks or cards :) however, the main point of discussion was if it was a good idea or not to introduce maindeck a couple of surgical extraction with the objective of basically ruin the combo plan of some decks or just to prevent the use of some cards that could force us to restart the combo. Indeed, it is just a plus value to the deck itself.. let's say i would put it MD just to have one more eventual response that could be useful in some situations (the best example that i find out right now is vs tron when the first card you see in top deck is an eldrazi :D ).. do you think it might be a good card to put main deck or is more likely a sideboard card?
"Per la sua bellezza vengono combattute guerre. E con il suo potere, guerre vengono vinte"
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Livello VII
Livello VII
Messaggi: 489
Iscritto il: 6 gen '13, 16:08

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda niko47 » 12 giu '13, 21:49

i would put Surgical extraction in main deck. It's very usefull not only against combo decks or against "decks 1/2-cards based", but also against control decks. Image this situation: turn 2, i play something and he taps 2 to counter my card. i play surgical and i can remove the other 3 counters from the deck/hand ! i think is a good card, i would insert surgical in 4x
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Livello VI
Livello VI
Messaggi: 126
Iscritto il: 22 mag '13, 11:05

Re: [Modern Sviluppo] Lantern Topdeck Control

Messaggioda KizaruTengu » 13 giu '13, 23:01


Thx for the compliments :)

I think that Gitaxian Probe is very useful, because i can understand what to mill or not to mill, i can't always have a Thoughtseize :)
It has Phyrexian mana too, so I can use it on the first turn and still put a piece of the combo.
What would you change in that list? (other than Probe)
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Livello V
Livello V
Messaggi: 58
Iscritto il: 11 mar '13, 23:36


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