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[ELD] C'era Una Volta / Once Upon a Time

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[ELD] C'era Una Volta / Once Upon a Time

Messaggioda alvoi » 9 set '19, 16:44


Questo è sgravissimo
"come ad un buon protagonista di un buon libro"
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Iscritto il: 28 set '12, 19:09
Località: Thraben, Gavony Nord, Innistrad

Re: [ELD] C'era Una Volta / Once Upon a Time

Messaggioda Midnat » 9 set '19, 17:08

Wow! Questa la puoi mettere praticamente ovunque!!!
"You can run from your pain," explained Gerrard to Crovax, "but take it from experience: you will tire before it does".

MTGA: Midnat#63037
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Re: [ELD] C'era Una Volta / Once Upon a Time

Messaggioda Deugemo » 9 set '19, 17:23

Dite che entra in creature toolbox alla velocità della luce o è meglio evitare?
What good to foresee a demise unavoidable?
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Re: [ELD] C'era Una Volta / Once Upon a Time

Messaggioda Tarox_97 » 9 set '19, 17:49

Con hai lanciato intendono che devi avere comunque due terre per dire la lancio o si può fare anche a costo zero?
Perché non è semplicemente "é la prima che lanci"?
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Iscritto il: 11 mag '13, 12:18

Re: [ELD] C'era Una Volta / Once Upon a Time

Messaggioda kyogre » 9 set '19, 17:55

Deugemo ha scritto:Dite che entra in creature toolbox alla velocità della luce o è meglio evitare?

Basta che non giochi Collected Company, per il resto imho è un razzo, da giocatore di Devoted Druid. Ma la vedo bene anche in mazzi tipo quel GW eldrazi con Mistica che è uscito da poco (trova tempio eldrazi e le creature che ti servono, e puoi bottomare tranquillamente gli equip di mistica). Secondo me ha molto potenziale.

@Tarox_97: È scritta così perchè in realtà tecnicamente prima annunci il lancio della magia, poi ne paghi il costo.
My fanset: THERIAN
Modern: Bant Spirits, Grixis Shadow, Abzan Company, GR Ponza
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Re: [ELD] C'era Una Volta / Once Upon a Time

Messaggioda alvoi » 9 set '19, 18:31

kyogre ha scritto:@Tarox_97: È scritta così perchè in realtà tecnicamente prima annunci il lancio della magia, poi ne paghi il costo.

Un tempo non era così, e qualcuno ha perso un pro tour perché tappava le terre dopo aver annunciato il lancio della magia XD
"come ad un buon protagonista di un buon libro"
Grazie <3
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Messaggi: 21721
Iscritto il: 28 set '12, 19:09
Località: Thraben, Gavony Nord, Innistrad

Re: [ELD] C'era Una Volta / Once Upon a Time

Messaggioda Tarox_97 » 9 set '19, 18:59

alvoi ha scritto:Un tempo non era così, e qualcuno ha perso un pro tour perché tappava le terre dopo aver annunciato il lancio della magia XD

giocando ad arena puoi provare a lanciare magie che non puoi pagare e solo dopo ti chiede di fargli vedere da dove tiri fuori il mana. Però mi pare che è solo un artificio da videogame piuttosto che una regola di magic
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Iscritto il: 11 mag '13, 12:18

Re: [ELD] C'era Una Volta / Once Upon a Time

Messaggioda kyogre » 9 set '19, 19:09

Tarox_97 ha scritto: che è solo un artificio da videogame piuttosto che una regola di magic

È una regola di magic. Pagare il costo è l'ultima cosa che fai, e quando lo fai la magia è già in pila. Sotto spoiler il frammento del regolamento.

601.2. To cast a spell is to take it from where it is (usually the hand), put it on the stack, and pay its costs, so that it will eventually resolve and have its effect. Casting a spell includes proposal of the spell (rules 601.2a–d) and determination and payment of costs (rules 601.2f–h). To cast a spell, a player follows the steps listed below, in order. A player must be legally allowed to cast the spell to begin this process (see rule 601.3). If a player is unable to comply with the requirements of a step listed below while performing that step, the casting of the spell is illegal ; the game returns to the moment before the casting of that spell was proposed (see rule 721, “Handling Illegal Actions”).
601.2a To propose the casting of a spell, a player first moves that card (or that copy of a card) from where it is to the stack. It becomes the topmost object on the stack. It has all the characteristics of the card (or the copy of a card) associated with it, and that player becomes its controller. The spell remains on the stack until it’s countered, it resolves, or an effect moves it elsewhere.
601.2b If the spell is modal, the player announces the mode choice (see rule 700.2). If the player wishes to splice any cards onto the spell (see rule 702.46), they reveal those cards in their hand. If the spell has alternative or additional costs that will be paid as it’s being cast such as buyback or kicker costs (see rules 118.8 and 118.9), the player announces their intentions to pay any or all of those costs (see rule 601.2f). A player can’t apply two alternative methods of casting or two alternative costs to a single spell. If the spell has a variable cost that will be paid as it’s being cast (such as an {X} in its mana cost; see rule 107.3), the player announces the value of that variable. If the value of that variable is defined in the text of the spell by a choice that player would make later in the announcement or resolution of the spell, that player makes that choice at this time instead of that later time. If a cost that will be paid as the spell is being cast includes hybrid mana symbols, the player announces the nonhybrid equivalent cost they intend to pay. If a cost that will be paid as the spell is being cast includes Phyrexian mana symbols, the player announces whether they intend to pay 2 life or the corresponding colored mana cost for each of those symbols. Previously made choices (such as choosing to cast a spell with flashback from a graveyard or choosing to cast a creature with morph face down) may restrict the player’s options when making these choices.
601.2c The player announces their choice of an appropriate object or player for each target the spell requires. A spell may require some targets only if an alternative or additional cost (such as a kicker cost) or a particular mode was chosen for it; otherwise, the spell is cast as though it did not require those targets. Similarly, a spell may require alternative targets only if an alternative or additional cost was chosen for it. If the spell has a variable number of targets, the player announces how many targets they will choose before they announce those targets. In some cases, the number of targets will be defined by the spell’s text. Once the number of targets the spell has is determined, that number doesn’t change, even if the information used to determine the number of targets does. The same target can’t be chosen multiple times for any one instance of the word “target” on the spell. However, if the spell uses the word “target” in multiple places, the same object or player can be chosen once for each instance of the word “target” (as long as it fits the targeting criteria). If any effects say that an object or player must be chosen as a target, the player chooses targets so that they obey the maximum possible number of such effects without violating any rules or effects that say that an object or player can’t be chosen as a target. The chosen objects and/or players each become a target of that spell. (Any abilities that trigger when those objects and/or players become the target of a spell trigger at this point; they’ll wait to be put on the stack until the spell has finished being cast.)
Example: If a spell says “Tap two target creatures,” then the same creature can’t be chosen twice; the spell requires two different legal targets. A spell that says “Destroy target artifact and target land,” however, can target the same artifact land twice because it uses the word “target” in multiple places.

601.2d If the spell requires the player to divide or distribute an effect (such as damage or counters) among one or more targets, the player announces the division. Each of these targets must receive at least one of whatever is being divided.
601.2e The game checks to see if the proposed spell can legally be cast. If the proposed spell is illegal, the game returns to the moment before the casting of that spell was proposed (see rule 721, “Handling Illegal Actions”).
601.2f The player determines the total cost of the spell. Usually this is just the mana cost. Some spells have additional or alternative costs. Some effects may increase or reduce the cost to pay, or may provide other alternative costs. Costs may include paying mana, tapping permanents, sacrificing permanents, discarding cards, and so on. The total cost is the mana cost or alternative cost (as determined in rule 601.2b), plus all additional costs and cost increases, and minus all cost reductions. If multiple cost reductions apply, the player may apply them in any order. If the mana component of the total cost is reduced to nothing by cost reduction effects, it is considered to be {0}. It can’t be reduced to less than {0}. Once the total cost is determined, any effects that directly affect the total cost are applied. Then the resulting total cost becomes “locked in.” If effects would change the total cost after this time, they have no effect.
601.2g If the total cost includes a mana payment, the player then has a chance to activate mana abilities (see rule 605, “Mana Abilities”). Mana abilities must be activated before costs are paid.
601.2h The player pays the total cost in any order. Partial payments are not allowed. Unpayable costs can’t be paid.
Example: You cast Altar’s Reap, which costs {1}{B} and has an additional cost of sacrificing a creature. You sacrifice Thunderscape Familiar, whose effect makes your black spells cost {1} less to cast. Because a spell’s total cost is “locked in” before payments are actually made, you pay {B}, not {1}{B}, even though you’re sacrificing the Familiar.

601.2i Once the steps described in 601.2a–h are completed, effects that modify the characteristics of the spell as it’s cast are applied, then the spell becomes cast. Any abilities that trigger when a spell is cast or put onto the stack trigger at this time. If the spell’s controller had priority before casting it, they get priority.
My fanset: THERIAN
Modern: Bant Spirits, Grixis Shadow, Abzan Company, GR Ponza
Pauper: Affinity
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Iscritto il: 15 gen '12, 19:29

Re: [ELD] C'era Una Volta / Once Upon a Time

Messaggioda Rancore » 9 set '19, 22:34

Era la famosa questione per cui puoi Unire nell'Arcano Through the Breach a Blazing Shoal, pur avendo usando Breach per pagare il costo di Shoal :D

Diablo docet.
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Re: [ELD] C'era Una Volta / Once Upon a Time

Messaggioda TheGreatBallofFire » 9 set '19, 23:14

Questo potenzialmente è più forte di Ancient Stirrings nella build adatta, costa :1: in più ma è instant e ha la prima abilità che dà l'opportunità di aggiustarsi la mano aggratis... 8) 8) 8)
…giacché la casa brucia, voglio scaldarmi anch’io.
[cit. Brighella - La Famiglia dell’Antiquario – Atto Primo – Scena XVI]
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