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[MKM] [Ciclo] Surveil Lands

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Re: [MKM] [Ciclo] Surveil Lands

Messaggioda Alex » 16 set '24, 9:54

USA Market Update: "Surveil lands are still ticking up. A few months ago when they first released, we talked about how the lands seemed like a good pickup for around $5. Well now the most expensive - Undercity Sewers - is up to $25 and half the cycle is over $10. Even now the cheaper members of the cycle might still have room to grow. If you don't have them already, I'd snag the ones under $10 while they are still cheap."

Ora che ci sono anche le nuove Verge lands di DSK non so come si metterà la faccenda, però certamente vanno tenute d'occhio se giocate ai formati dove sono utilizzabili in 4x.

Non mi ero accorto che la :U: :B: avesse passato i 20 euro anche da noi. :_o
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Iscritto il: 27 set '11, 12:47


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