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[TSP] Norin the Wary / Norin il Diffidente

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[TSP] Norin the Wary / Norin il Diffidente

Messaggioda Alex » 30 apr '24, 10:29


Aggiornamento finanziario USA, fine aprile: "This week in the world of Magic finance, the biggest gainer was Norin the Wary which gained 138% up to $17. Often considered a meme creature thanks to its ability that blinks itself whenever anything happens, the one-drop is now showing up in Modern in a new build of Five-Color Humans focused on Satoru, the Infiltrator. Together these cards draw you an extra card each turn, while Norin the Wary's ability to enter the battlefield each turn quickly grows Champion of the Parish and Thalia's Lieutenant. At this point it's too early to tell whether this plan is legit or just a case of players trying out new cards, but Norin the Wary is a super unique creature and could be broken eventually, even if Satoru isn't the card that ends up doing it."

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Re: [Speculazioni] Norin il Diffidente / Norin the Wary

Messaggioda Fillo94 » 30 apr '24, 10:36

Oltretutto mi sono reso conto ora che Satoru triggera anche da CoCo. Umani ha un bel boost
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Iscritto il: 12 giu '14, 13:25
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