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[Modern Top8] PPTQ - Parma - 22/Feb/2015

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[Modern Top8] PPTQ - Parma - 22/Feb/2015

Messaggioda Diablo » 27 feb '15, 19:48

Players: 42
Urban Legend - Parma

Splinter Twin by Angelo Cadei
3 Snapcaster Mage
2 Pestermite
4 Deceiver Exarch
2 Vendilion Clique

1 Dispel
1 Peek
2 Spell Snare
4 Serum Visions
4 Remand
2 Cryptic Command
2 Electrolyze
1 Flame Slash
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Splinter Twin
3 Steam Vents
1 Sacred Foundry
4 Sulfur Falls
5 Island
1 Mountain
4 Scalding Tarn
4 Flooded Strand
1 Tectonic Edge
1 Desolate Lighthouse
1 Dispel
1 Negate
1 Threads of Disloyalty
1 Jace, Architect of Thought
1 Flame Slash
2 Blood Moon
2 Anger of the Gods
2 Wear // Tear
2 Keranos, God of Storms
2 Spellskite
[Modern Top8] PPTQ - Parma - 22/Feb/2015
Main Deck: 60 cards
Sideboard: 15 cards

UWR Control by Massimo Vailati
3 Snapcaster Mage
1 Vendilion Clique
1 Keranos, God of Storms

1 Ajani Vengeant
1 Supreme Verdict
1 Wrath of God
3 Cryptic Command
3 Electrolyze
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Lightning Helix
4 Mana Leak
3 Path to Exile
2 Remand
3 Spell Snare
2 Sphinx's Revelation
2 Arid Mesa
4 Celestial Colonnade
2 Flooded Strand
2 Hallowed Fountain
2 Island
1 Plains
1 Mountain
1 Sacred Foundry
4 Scalding Tarn
2 Steam Vents
2 Sulfur Falls
3 Tectonic Edge
2 Relic of Progenitus
1 Izzet Staticaster
1 Rest in Peace
2 Celestial Purge
2 Counterflux
1 Dispel
1 Shadow of Doubt
2 Wear // Tear
1 Anger of the Gods
1 Wrath of God
1 Batterskull
[Modern Top8] PPTQ - Parma - 22/Feb/2015
Main Deck: 60 cards
Sideboard: 15 cards

Affinity by Roberto Bia
3 Etched Champion
1 Master of Etherium
4 Arcbound Ravager
3 Steel Overseer
4 Signal Pest
4 Vault Skirge
1 Spellskite
2 Memnite
4 Ornithopter

4 Mox Opal
4 Cranial Plating
4 Springleaf Drum
1 Welding Jar
2 Dispatch
4 Galvanic Blast
4 Darksteel Citadel
4 Blinkmoth Nexus
4 Inkmoth Nexus
3 Glimmervoid
1 Mountain
3 Thoughtseize
1 Illness in the Ranks
2 Whipflare
2 Blood Moon
2 Ancient Grudge
2 Wear // Tear
1 Rest in Peace
1 Spellskite
1 Etched Champion
[Modern Top8] PPTQ - Parma - 22/Feb/2015
Main Deck: 61 cards
Sideboard: 15 cards

Merfolks by Marco Ferrari
2 Phantasmal Image
2 Spellskite
2 Master of Waves
4 Cursecatcher
4 Lord of Atlantis
4 Master of the Pearl Trident
4 Merrow Reejerey
4 Silvergill Adept

1 Psionic Blast
2 Spell Pierce
3 Path to Exile
4 Spreading Seas
4 Æther Vial
2 Hallowed Fountain
3 Flooded Strand
4 Island
4 Mutavault
1 Seachrome Coast
2 Cavern of Souls
4 Wanderwine Hub
2 Spellskite
1 Path to Exile
2 Stony Silence
1 Hurkyl's Recall
2 Swan Song
2 Rest in Peace
2 Tidebinder Mage
2 Negate
1 Disenchant
[Modern Top8] PPTQ - Parma - 22/Feb/2015
Main Deck: 60 cards
Sideboard: 15 cards

Affinity by Edoardo Patterlini
3 Etched Champion
3 Steel Overseer
4 Arcbound Ravager
1 Master of Etherium
4 Vault Skirge
4 Signal Pest
4 Ornithopter
2 Memnite

1 Welding Jar
4 Mox Opal
4 Springleaf Drum
4 Thoughtcast
2 Ensoul Artifact
4 Cranial Plating
4 Darksteel Citadel
3 Glimmervoid
4 Blinkmoth Nexus
4 Inkmoth Nexus
1 Snow-Covered Island
1 Tormod's Crypt
3 Stubborn Denial
1 Spellskite
3 Wear // Tear
1 Slaughter Pact
2 Dismember
2 Scouring Sands
2 Chalice of the Void
[Modern Top8] PPTQ - Parma - 22/Feb/2015
Main Deck: 60 cards
Sideboard: 15 cards

Affinity by Giovanni Rosi
3 Etched Champion
3 Steel Overseer
4 Arcbound Ravager
1 Master of Etherium
4 Vault Skirge
4 Signal Pest
4 Ornithopter

3 Memnite
2 Welding Jar
4 Mox Opal
4 Springleaf Drum
4 Galvanic Blast
4 Cranial Plating
4 Darksteel Citadel
3 Glimmervoid
4 Blinkmoth Nexus
4 Inkmoth Nexus
1 Mountain
1 Etched Champion
1 Whipflare
2 Spellskite
1 Stain the Mind
2 Thoughtseize
2 Relic of Progenitus
2 Spell Pierce
1 Illness in the Ranks
1 Master of Etherium
2 Ancient Grudge
[Modern Top8] PPTQ - Parma - 22/Feb/2015
Main Deck: 60 cards
Sideboard: 15 cards

Abzan by Marco De Rosa
4 Tarmogoyf
3 Scavenging Ooze
4 Siege Rhino

3 Liliana of the Veil
1 Sorin, Solemn Visitor
3 Path to Exile
1 Dismember
4 Abrupt Decay
1 Maelstrom Pulse
3 Inquisition of Kozilek
4 Thoughtseize
3 Lingering Souls
1 Duress
1 Batterskull
1 Forest
1 Plains
2 Swamp
2 Windswept Heath
2 Twilight Mire
1 Stirring Wildwood
3 Marsh Flats
4 Verdant Catacombs
2 Treetop Village
2 Tectonic Edge
1 Temple Garden
1 Godless Shrine
2 Overgrown Tomb
4 Fulminator Mage
3 Stony Silence
2 Ghost Quarter
1 Zealous Persecution
3 Timely Reinforcements
2 Damnation
[Modern Top8] PPTQ - Parma - 22/Feb/2015
Main Deck: 60 cards
Sideboard: 15 cards

Scapeshift by Francesco Ferrari
3 Snapcaster Mage
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder

4 Scapeshift
4 Search for Tomorrow
4 Cryptic Command
4 Remand
4 Serum Visions
1 Peer Through Depths
3 Lightning Bolt
3 Izzet Charm
2 Electrolyze
4 Stomping Ground
4 Steam Vents
1 Breeding Pool
2 Misty Rainforest
1 Cascade Bluffs
1 Flooded Grove
1 Temple of Mystery
2 Mountain
3 Island
3 Forest
2 Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle
3 Obstinate Baloth
1 Swan Song
1 Flashfreeze
1 Negate
1 Wurmcoil Engine
1 Spellskite
2 Sowing Salt
1 Vendilion Clique
2 Ancient Grudge
2 Anger of the Gods
[Modern Top8] PPTQ - Parma - 22/Feb/2015
Main Deck: 60 cards
Sideboard: 15 cards
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